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Two hunters with orange apparel on

Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP)
Call the TIPP line at 1-800-667-7561 or use our 24-hour, seven-day-a-week TIPP Service if you suspect any fishing, wildlife or environmental resource violations.

Download the Hunters Guide, Trappers Guide, Hunting Supplements and Related Documents
Note: Changes or updates to the Hunters or Trappers guides may occur after it is printed, so the online version of the guides are the most up-to-date.

Download the Hunters Guide

Download the WMZ Map

Ministry Field Office Locations

Important Information for Non-Resident Game Bird Hunters

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has specific instructions for hunters looking to bring meat from game birds hunted in Canada back to the United States.

Unprocessed hunter-harvested wild game bird carcasses, originating or traveling from Canada, must meet the following conditions:

  • Head, neck, feet, innards and one wing have been removed;
  • Feathers have been removed, except for one wing – as required by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for species identification;
  • Carcasses must be rinsed in fresh, clean, potable water prior to packaging and must not have visible evidence of contamination with dirt, blood or feces;
  • Carcasses must be imported in leak-proof plastic packaging and stored in a leak-proof cooler or container during transport and import; and
  • Carcasses must be chilled or frozen during transport and import.

The USDA also recommends that boots and any equipment used to process the carcasses should be clean and visibly free from dirt, blood and tissue.

Hunters cannot bring cooked or cured meat and meat products (such as sausage or jerky) back to the U.S. because there is no way to identify the species of wild bird.

These restrictions are subject to change. For current information on the import of harvested meat, refer to: USDA APHIS | Allowance of Hunter Harvested Wild Bird Game Carcasses from Canada or contact APHIS Animal Product Imports at 301-851-3300 option 4, or at

Avian Influenza in Wild Birds

Exercising Treaty Rights in Saskatchewan
An individual exercising the Treaty right to hunt, fish and trap for food in Saskatchewan must:

1. Be a registered Indian, as defined by the Government of Canada's Indian Act;
2. Carry a valid Certificate of Indian Status; and
3. Be a member of a First Nation signatory to Treaties 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 10, or a First Nation located within Saskatchewan that has not signed a Treaty.

What's New in 2024?

Expanded dark goose hunting
Beginning in the fall of 2024, hunters pursuing dark geese will be able to hunt one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset throughout the entire season. While the current restriction on dark goose hunting served a purpose at a time when there were more than 70,000 hunters and dark goose populations were significantly lower, the hunting landscape has changed and the restriction is no longer necessary. Removal of this restriction will allow hunters to pursue dark geese all day, similar to all other waterfowl species.

Bovine tuberculosis
In response to the detection of bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB) in cattle, the ministry is implementing mandatory bovine TB surveillance of hunter-harvested elk in WMZs 37 and 48 and white-tailed deer in WMZ 48. Hunters are asked to submit heads at a designated CWD drop-off location within one month from the time the animal was harvested. Voluntary submission of mule deer and moose is also encouraged. For more details and a list of drop-off sites visit

New Trappers Guide
New this year! We've created a standalone Saskatchewan Trappers Guide. The guide can be downloaded or printed at any time from the Trapping webpage and printed copies are available at ministry field offices.

Buy a Hunting Licence

Buy a hunting, angling or trapping licence through HAL – the government's hunting, angling and trapping licence system.


Regulations that apply to hunting and trapping in Saskatchewan are The Wildlife Act, 1998; The Wildlife Regulations, 1981; The Open Season Game Regulations, 2009; The Wildlife Management Zones and Special Areas Boundaries Regulations, 1990; The Fur Animals Open Seasons Regulations, The Firearm Safety/Hunter Education Regulations, 2009, The Dog Training Regulations 1982, the Outfitter and Guide Regulations 2004; The Migratory Birds Convention act, 1994; and The Migratory Birds Regulations. A summary of the regulations is available in the Hunters Guide.

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