Environmental Assessment
Saskatchewan evaluates the environmental impacts of developments so the real costs and trade-offs in a project are fully understood.
Climate Resilience in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan’s strategy is designed to make Saskatchewan more resilient to the climatic, economic and policy impacts of climate change.
About the Environmental Code
Learn about code chapters, standards and legislation, or submit an application to be designated as a qualified person to ensure code compliance.
Environment Business Services
Create an account to submit notifications, permit applications and reports to Ministry of Environment. View and manage your work.
Environmental Compliance Audit
The Ministry of Environment’s Compliance Audit Program conducts audits to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations to protect human health, safety and the environment.
Environmentally Impacted Sites
The Ministry of Environment regulates, manages and tracks environmentally impacted sites.
Mining and Industrial Facilities Map
Use this digital map to search the location of different mining and industrial facilities. You can also view the regional boundaries.
Saskatchewan Environmental Quality Guidelines
The SEQG is a database used by government, industry and the public. It includes environmental benchmarks for more than 250 different kinds of chemicals.
Hazardous Materials and Safe Waste Management
Report a spill or search for hazardous substance storage facilities and spills. Find information on hazardous materials storage, hazardous waste and solid waste management.
Industrial Activities
Learn how the province protects the environment by supporting sound industrial activities.
Wildlife Conservation
Some wildlife species are considered to be at-risk in the province and require special attention to help ensure their survival. Data submitted from Academic Research Projects and Species Detection Surveys help to inform approval and planning processes regarding Species at Risk and their habitats.