Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP)
Call the TIPP line at 1-800-667-7561 or use our 24-hour, seven-day-a-week TIPP Service if you suspect any fishing, wildlife or environmental resource violations.
The Canadian Resident White-tailed Deer Draw application period is now closed. Good luck to everyone who applied! Draw results will be available via HAL accounts in June. Successful applicants will be able to purchase licences through their HAL accounts beginning August 1.
Ministry Field Office Locations
The status of your application(s) can be reviewed through your HAL account. If you require assistance with your account, call the Aspira help desk at 1-888-773-8450. Email notifications will be sent to applicants with valid email addresses. However, successful email delivery cannot be guaranteed. Please review you draw results through your HAL account.
For season dates, see the latest supplements below.
How to Apply
- The Canadian resident white-tailed deer draw is incorporated into the automated Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence (HAL) system. HAL system (HAL ID) and date of birth is required for all applicants and family sponsors.
- For Canadian residents submitting an application for the draw with a sponsor, the sponsor must have a HAL account and be successfully validated as a Saskatchewan resident. The sponsor must also give their consent to be listed on the application.
If you are drawn, you can purchase your licence beginning August 1:
- Through your HAL account anytime;
- At any Saskatchewan hunting licence issuer;
- At a Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment or select provincial park office; or
- By phone using a credit card at 1-855-848-4773 (8 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Please allow 10 business days for delivery.
Watch this quick video on how to apply
HAL Account
A HAL account is required for all hunters applying for the draw. If you are applying with a group, be aware that each group member's HAL number and date of birth must be entered onto the application.
Through your HAL account, you are able to:
- review your pool status;
- review and update submitted applications;
- look up draw results; and
- purchase draw licences (beginning August 1).
Remember, all big game licences require big game seals. If you purchase your licence online, consider ordering a convenience pack of blank big game seals through your HAL account ahead of time. Blank unregistered seals can be used to purchase big game licences through your web account, allowing you to print your licence immediately upon purchase and avoid waiting for mail delivery. Simply enter the seal number (as printed on the seal) during the purchase. Big game seals acquired in convenience packs can be used by anyone (i.e. they do not need to be used by the person who acquires the convenience pack) and can be used in future years if they have not been previously associated to a licence.
Make sure you meet all eligibility requirements, such as firearm safety/hunter education certification, prior to submitting an application. It is an offence to falsify information on an application or use the licence of another person.
If applying for the 'family first' priority pool, each group member must have an immediate family member (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandchild, spouse or common law spouse) who is a Saskatchewan resident with a HAL account and has consented to being included on the application. More than one applicant may have the same family sponsor, provided they are an immediate family member of each applicant who has listed that sponsor. The HAL number and date of birth must be entered on the application for each group member's sponsor. Each sponsor must be verified as a Saskatchewan resident.