Answering Legal Questions
Find information and resources to guide you through bankruptcy or creating a power of attorney or a will.
Child Protection
Find services and support for children who have been abused or neglected. Learn about the Counsel for Children program. Find information about international child abduction.
Civil Forfeiture
Find information on legislation surrounding seizing property which has been acquired through unlawful activity or used in unlawful activity.
Commissioner for Oaths
Learn about the role of a Commissioner for Oaths and where to find them. You can also apply for or renew an appointment as Commissioner for Oaths and print your certificate.
Correctional Facilities and Community Corrections
Access policies for adult and youth custody facilities and community corrections. Learn how to visit a correctional facility, request a record suspension, or how an inmate can call you from a correctional facility.
Courts and Sentencing
Learn about the courts, court orders and how to request a court transcript. Find resources for jurors. Learn about the Counsel for Children and the Aboriginal Courtworker Program. Find information on alternatives to criminal court and alternative options for fine payment.
Driver Appeals
Learn about the different kinds of driver-related appeals, and find information on how to file an appeal with the Highway Traffic Board.
Information on Provincial Violation Tickets
Find information on the difference between an offence notice and a summons, your options after you receive a ticket, and the consequences of not dealing with a ticket.
Legislation and Regulations
Office of the King's Printer provides online access to Government of Saskatchewan legislation free of charge including Freelaw® publications.
Notary Public
Learn the role of a Notary Public, apply for or renew an appointment, print your certificate, or find someone who is appointed
Power of Attorney, Guardianship and Trusts
Find information about the role of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Powers of Attorney and adult guardianships.
Provincial Fine Collection
Pay a provincial fine, such as a traffic violation, online, by phone or by mail.
Provincial Protective Services
Provincial Protective Services (PPS) unites a number of provincial enforcement teams into one organizational structure to create a more co-ordinated approach to public safety.
Public Notification of High-Risk Individuals
Public disclosures and information concerning convicted offenders who are a high risk to re-offend.
Public Prosecutions Policies and Other Documents
Prosecutors are responsible for the prosecution of Criminal Code offences and Provincial Statute offences. These policies give insight into Public Prosecutions' approach and give information regarding how prosecutors make various decisions. You will also find documents related to breath testing.
Saskatchewan Police College
The Saskatchewan Police College is Saskatchewan's official institute for the provision and co-ordination of training and continuing education for public officers in policing, community safety and enforcement.
Service on the Crown or Attorney General
Find a list of solicitors employed by the Ministry of Justice who can accept service of documents on behalf of the Attorney General of Saskatchewan.
Victims of Crime and Abuse
Find information and learn about programs that are available to victims of crime or abuse.
Working in Corrections
Saskatchewan Corrections is looking for new employees to join our team and contribute to a safer province. If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding career in a collaborative and interesting environment, then a career as corrections might be the career for you.
Your Rights and the Law
Information on notarizing documents, FOI requests and complaints about the police service.