During the writ period (today until October 28, 2024), this website will be limited to information about emergencies and public safety concerns.
For details on immigration, visit Immigrating and Moving to Saskatchewan.
Get answers with our Frequently Asked Questions.

Pendant la période électorale (aujourd’hui jusqu’au 28 octobre 2024), ce site Web devra limiter ses publications uniquement à des renseignements sur les urgences et à des préoccupations en matière de sécurité publique.
Pour des renseignements sur l’immigration, visitez Immigrer et déménager en Saskatchewan.
Trouver des réponses en consultant la Foire aux questions (en anglais).

Google Translate Disclaimer

A number of pages on the Government of Saskatchewan's website have been professionally translated in French. These translations are identified by a yellow box in the right or left rail that resembles the link below. The home page for French-language content on this site can be found at:

Renseignements en Français

Where an official translation is not available, Google™ Translate can be used. Google™ Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages. Translations are made available to increase access to Government of Saskatchewan content for populations whose first language is not English.

Software-based translations do not approach the fluency of a native speaker or possess the skill of a professional translator. The translation should not be considered exact, and may include incorrect or offensive language. The Government of Saskatchewan does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by this system. Some files or items cannot be translated, including graphs, photos and other file formats such as portable document formats (PDFs).

Any person or entities that rely on information obtained from the system does so at his or her own risk. Government of Saskatchewan is not responsible for any damage or issues that may possibly result from using translated website content. If you have any questions about Google™ Translate, please visit: Google™ Translate FAQs.

Terms of Use

Last modified: April 21, 2023

The Terms of Service only apply to the primary website, Saskatchewan.ca, and Saskatchewan Account, services.saskatchewan.ca. We will refer to these sites collectively as "Saskatchewan.ca" throughout these Terms of Use. It does not apply to:

  • other sub-sites that are connected to Saskatchewan.ca (indicated by the URL e.g. SERVICENAME.Saskatchewan.ca); or
  • other Government of Saskatchewan websites that we link to (e.g. sites with gov.sk.ca in the URL).

By using Saskatchewan.ca, you are agreeing to these terms and any policies made available to you from time to time. Please read them carefully.

Who we are

Saskatchewan.ca is administered by the Digital Citizen Experience (DCE) Branch of the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan. The Government of Saskatchewan will be referred to as 'we' in these Terms of Use.

Using Saskatchewan.ca

You agree to use Saskatchewan.ca only for lawful purposes and in a way that doesn't infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of, this site by other users.

We may modify these terms or any additional terms that apply to Saskatchewan.ca at any time. As such, you should review these terms for updates regularly. If you do not agree to the new/modified terms, you should discontinue using Saskatchewan.ca.

You can use Saskatchewan.ca to access certain Government of Saskatchewan online services which may have additional terms and conditions governing their use. Ensure you have read and understood these terms and conditions before you use each service.

You will need a Saskatchewan Account in order to use Government of Saskatchewan services. It is your responsibility to keep your Saskatchewan Account up to date with your latest and most relevant profile information (e.g. name, address, phone number, email).

If you are using a Saskatchewan Account assigned to you by an account administrator, in the case of an organization profile, different or additional terms may apply and the account administrator may access, modify or limit your ability to access that organization profile.

In connection with your use of Saskatchewan Account, we may send you messages and other information from time to time. You may opt out of some of our communications.

Don't misuse Saskatchewan.ca, interfere with our services or try to access them using a method other than in the manner, and with the interface, we provide. You may use Saskatchewan.ca only as permitted by law and we may suspend or stop providing access to you if you do not comply with our terms.

Modifying and Terminating our Services

We are constantly changing and improving Saskatchewan.ca. We may add or remove functionalities or features and may suspend or stop offering an online service at any time.

Linking to Saskatchewan.ca

We welcome and encourage other websites to link to Saskatchewan.ca.

You may not charge your website's users to click on a link to any page on Saskatchewan.ca.

You must contact us for permission if you want to say your website is associated with or endorsed by the Government of Saskatchewan.

Linking from Saskatchewan.ca

We only control the content on Saskatchewan.ca. We do not have any control over the content on other websites we link to. These links are indicated with this external link symbol. We are not responsible for:

  • the protection of any information you give to these websites; or
  • any loss or damage that may come from your use of these websites, or any other websites they link to.

You should read all terms and conditions, privacy policies and end user licence agreements that relate to the websites before you use them. You agree to release the Government of Saskatchewan from any claims arising from use of these websites.

Using Saskatchewan.ca content

Content on Saskatchewan.ca is subject to copyright protection.

Contact us if you want to reproduce any piece of content.

Liability and Disclaimer

While we make every effort to keep Saskatchewan.ca up-to-date and fully functioning, we don’t provide any guarantees, conditions or warranties that the information will be:

  • secure;
  • accurate;
  • complete; or
  • free from bugs or viruses.

We do not make any promises or warranties regarding the services available on Saskatchewan.ca, and its content is provided on an "as is" basis without any commitments including, without limitation, commitments regarding reliability, availability or suitability.

You agree the Government of Saskatchewan is not liable for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever that may arise from using Saskatchewan.ca.

Requests to remove content

Contact us to ask for content to be removed from Saskatchewan.ca. You'll need to send us the web address (URL) of the content and explain why you think it should be removed. We remove content at our discretion.

Information about you and your visits to Saskatchewan.ca

We collect information about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how we use cookies. By using Saskatchewan.ca, you agree to our collecting this information and confirm that any data you provide is accurate.


You are responsible for the security of your personal computer and other internet-connected devices (e.g. your cellphone or tablet). We suggest you take additional measures to protect your devices from viruses and other security threats which include, without limitation:

  • Ensuring you are using the most secure and up-to-date web browser available.
    • The Government of Saskatchewan reviews browser and device usage quarterly and currently supports these devices and browsers.
  • Familiarizing yourself with your web browser's various functions and enabling/disabling such functions as needed to maximize security.
  • Ensuring you close your web browser completely and log out of your Saskatchewan Account once you have finished using any services.
    • You should frequently clear your cache. Web browsers often use a cache to temporarily save webpages in your computer's memory. Although the cache is designed to improve performance, subsequent users of your computer may be able to view webpages previously visited by you by accessing the information in the cache.
  • Ensuring you have up-to-date virus protection software on all systems and that you run virus scans regularly.
  • Ensuring all connections to the internet under your control are protected by a firewall to help prevent unauthorized access to your systems.

To protect your Saskatchewan Account, keep your password confidential and do not use the same password for third-party applications.

Viruses, hacking and other offences

When using Saskatchewan.ca, you must not introduce viruses or any other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.

You must not try to gain unauthorized access to Saskatchewan.ca, the server on which it's stored or any server, device, computer or database within the network environment of Saskatchewan.ca.

You must not attack Saskatchewan.ca in any way including, without limitation, denial-of-service attacks.

Unauthorized attacks or attempts to gain access to Saskatchewan.ca will be reported to relevant law enforcement authorities and we will share information about you with such authorities.

Governing law

These terms and conditions and the use of Saskatchewan.ca are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Saskatchewan.


There may be legal notices elsewhere on Saskatchewan.ca that relate to how you use the site.

We may decide not to exercise certain rights available to us under these terms and conditions and can always decide to exercise or enforce our rights later. Any waiver does not imply we will automatically waive the right on any other occasion.

If any of these terms and conditions are held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining terms and conditions will still apply.

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