Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces
Apply for licences and certificates for getting married, a new baby, registering a death, and divorce.
Education and Learning
Find information on K-12 education, school divisions, and literacy in Saskatchewan; report bullying; save for post-secondary education; apply for scholarships, bursaries, and grants; apply for student loans or download tax slips and documents for student loans.
Learn about emergency planning for health, travel and environment conditions in Saskatchewan.
Environment, Public Health and Safety
Learn about Saskatchewan's legislation and guidelines for health, environment and safety in the public sector.
Family and Social Support
Assistance for seniors, children, people with disabilities, unemployed or lower-income families, and victims of crime.
First Nations, Métis and Northern Citizens
First Nations and Métis education and employment, community support, gaming, grants, land consultations, tax programs.
Apply for or update your health services card, find a doctor or a specialist, get information on provincial health services.
Housing – Renting, Owning and Developing
Information on tenancy issues, changing your address, applying for home buyer's tax credit or applying for subdivisions.
Immigrating and Moving to Saskatchewan
Learn about our cost of living, housing, employment opportunities, and how to immigrate to Saskatchewan.
Jobs, Working and Training
Find information about finding a job, job training and apprenticeship, financial aid including the provincial training allowance, filing a claim with Workers' Compensation Board and many other topics about working in Saskatchewan.
Justice, Crime and the Law
Learn about the law, pay a provincial fine, testify in court or visit a correctional facility.
Parks, Culture, Heritage and Sport
Learn about the many parks and recreation areas in Saskatchewan as well as our culture, heritage, tourism destinations and public events. Hunting, Trapping and Angling licences are also available.
Saskatchewan Supports Ukraine
Resources for displaced Ukrainians and the public.
Taxes, Budgeting and Investments
Find information about personal income tax, household budgeting, property taxes, retirement planning and tax credits.
Find road and travel conditions, learn about current and upcoming highway improvement projects, or report a concern.
Voting, Consultations and Democracy
Learn about our elections process and local government, and have your say on the direction of our province.