Guardianship and Co-decision-making for Dependent Adults
Information about when an adult requires a guardian or co-decision-maker and how to apply to become an adult guardian or co-decision-maker.
Investigating Financial Abuse
Information on the Public Guardian and Trustee's role in investigating the financial abuse of vulnerable adults.
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Learn about the role of the Public Guardian and Trustee.
Powers of Attorney for Adults
Information on the purpose of a power of attorney, the types of powers of attorney, how to keep records as an attorney, and what to do if you believe that an attorney may be mismanaging affairs.
Protecting the Legal and Financial Interests of Children and Youth
Information on the Public Guardian and Trustee's role in protecting the financial and legal interests of minors.
The Public Guardian and Trustee as Guardian for a Dependent Adult
Information on the Public Guardian and Trustee's role as property guardian for a dependent adult.