Commissioner for Oaths
The role of a Commissioner for Oaths is to administer and receive oaths, affirmations and/or declarations for documents in Saskatchewan such as mortgage documents, contracts and surface lease agreements.
All new applications and renewals for Commissioner for Oaths appointments must complete an educational component as part of the application process. The purpose of the educational component is to reinforce your understanding of the duties and obligations as a Commissioner for Oaths.
Please note: The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General does not provide Commissioner for Oaths services directly.
1. Where to Find a Commissioner for Oaths
The Government of Saskatchewan does not provide Commissioner for Oaths services or a comprehensive list of current Commissioner for Oaths.
You can find a Commissioner for Oaths at:
- banking institutions;
- insurance agencies;
- law offices – all lawyers are Commissioners for Oaths;
- online search engines;
- phone book.
2. Duties
A Commissioner for Oaths can:
- administer oaths to a person who is demonstrating the truth of a statement;
- administer and receive affirmations (can be used if a person objects to being sworn on the basis of religious belief and is as binding and effective as an oath); and
- receive declarations (a written account of truth).
A Commissioner for Oaths appointment is generally required for:
- work-related purposes for clients or for internal business or government organizations;
- personal use to provide services to the public; and
- administrative work.
Documents that are typically commissioned by a Commissioner for Oaths include:
- mortgage, divorce, estate, land transfer/title documents;
- real estate, insurance, loan, brokerage documents;
- contracts, surface lease agreements, proof of loss;
- sale documents;
- bond documents;
- insolvency documents;
- affidavit of service; and
- government documents.
Documents signed by a Commissioner for Oaths are only for use within Saskatchewan.
For more information on the list of documents you can sign as a Commissioner for Oaths, please see the Guidelines linked below.
Commissioner for Oaths Guidelines
Signatures and Stamps
The Saskatchewan Government does not provide Commissioner for Oaths stamps or seals.
On each document they sign, a Commissioner for Oaths shall sign, print or stamp the following details beside their signature:
- their name
- the phrase "A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Saskatchewan"
- if appointed – the expiry date of their appointment
- if acting by virtue of office – the office that applies to them
Commissioners for Oaths must ensure that they restrict the use of the appointments to those powers set out in The Commissioner for Oaths Act, 2012. A Commissioner for Oaths cannot certify or verify documents (make a photocopy of an original document and state that it is a true copy of the original).
3. Eligibility
You can apply to become a Commissioner for Oaths in Saskatchewan if you are over the age of 18.
Certain individuals are Commissioners for Oaths by virtue of office or employment, and are not required to apply for an appointment. The appointment ends as soon as you no longer hold that position or office. These individuals include:
- Lawyers in good standing in with the Law Society of Saskatchewan;
- Members of the Legislative Assembly;
- Senior officers of the Canadian Armed Forces, (including permanent and/or reserve officers);
- Court officials who are appointed pursuant to The Court Officials Act 2012;
- Police Officers; and
- Certain provincial government officials who require the appointment to perform their duties.
You can review The Commissioners for Oaths Act, 2012 and The Commissioners for Oaths Regulations, 2013 to determine if you are a Commissioner for Oaths because of your office or status.
4. How to Apply
You can apply for a Commissioner for Oaths appointment in Saskatchewan through our online application system. Use your Saskatchewan Account to sign in to the online Commissioner for Oaths system to manage your appointment details.
All applications (new or subsequent) are subject to the same review and approval process. Submitting an application does not guarantee that an appointment as a Commissioner for Oaths will be approved, even if you have been appointed as a commissioner in the past.
Before you begin, you will need to:
- Login to or create a Saskatchewan Account.
- Follow the prompts/instructions on your account to start the application process
- Review the following documents: Guidelines for the Use of Commissioners for Oaths, The Commissioners for Oaths Act, 2012 and The Commissioners for Oaths Regulations, 2013.
- Complete the Commissioner for Oaths online exam and application form. Allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the application. You can refer to the Guidelines, Act and Regulations during the exam to reinforce your understanding of the duties and obligations of a Commissioner for Oaths.
- If you have a criminal record, the information you provide will be reviewed by a Ministry of Justice official to determine your eligibility for appointment.
Renewing your Commissioner for Oaths Appointment
You may apply to renew your appointment on the first day of the month your appointment expires.
An application for a subsequent appointment will not be considered if it is submitted more than one month before the expiration of your current appointment. Example: If your current expiry date is October 31, 2025, then you can submit your application for renewal starting October 1, 2025.
The following applicants will need to provide the name, telephone number and email address of the person who will authorize your appointment, such as your direct supervisor.
- Government of Saskatchewan Employees
- Employees of a Saskatchewan Municipal Police Force
- Employees of the RCMP
5. Apply
Apply for or renew your appointment as a Commissioner for Oaths using the online application system. A Saskatchewan Account is required to access the Commissioner for Oaths online application.
Once you are registered for a Saskatchewan Account, you must then link the Commissioner for Oaths service card. Once linked, select "Use Service" under that service card, and follow the steps. You will then be on the Commissioner for Oaths online portal.
Start Commissioner for Oaths Application
You can pay your invoice and print your certificate on the "View my Invoices" page.
6. Processing Times and Payment
Processing Times
Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing applications.
If we require additional information for your application, you will be contacted via email by
Upon approval, you will receive an email indicating your invoice is ready for payment. You can find your invoice in your Saskatchewan Account.
The fee for an appointment is $100.
Exceptions to the $100 fee include:
- Employees of a Saskatchewan Municipal Police Force or RCMP will pay a $10 appointment fee;
- Executive Government of Saskatchewan employees are exempt from the appointment fee.
All other government agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations are not exempt.
Appointments are approved by officials authorized to act on behalf of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General. Appointments are effective from the date the Certificate of Appointment is issued.
Please carefully read all instructions on this website before applying.
How to Pay your Invoice
To pay your invoice, follow the steps below:
- Sign into your Saskatchewan Account.
- Once you have logged in, ensure you are on the “My Services” tab.
- Scroll down the page until you see a box that says “Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public".
- Click “Use Service” on the option you require.
- You should now be on the “Tasks” page.
- Scroll down to “View my Invoices” and click.
- You will now have the option to pay.