Once you have applied for student aid, the Student Service Centre will review and assess your application. The National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) will then administer your assistance on behalf of the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. The NSLSC is responsible for transferring the funds to your bank account and forwarding funds to your school for tuition costs if requested by your school. When you finish school, you will repay your loans to the NSLSC.
If you are required to submit additional or missing documents, please forward them in one of these ways:
- If you have an Advanced Education Student Portal Account, you can upload documents to the Student Service Centre through that account by clicking 'upload document' when you are logged in.
- If you do not have an existing Advanced Education Student Portal Account, or you need to submit documents on behalf of the applicant, scan and upload documents online using the Post-Secondary Document Uploader tool.
- Send by mail to:
Student Service Centre
1120 - 2010 12th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 0M3