Accessibility Legislation for Saskatchewan
The Government of Saskatchewan sought input to create accessibility legislation that will remove and prevent accessibility barriers for persons with disabilities.
Amended Incident Reporting Requirements Directive PNG014
The Ministry of Energy and Resources held consultations on amendments to Directive PNG014: Amended Incident Reporting (Directive PNG014) from April 25 to June 6, 2024.
Amended Well Survey Requirements Directive PNG003
The Ministry of Energy and Resources sought comments from industry on proposed amendments to Directive PNG003: Well Survey Requirements.
Consultation for The Life Leases Regulations
The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General sought input on the development of The Life Leases Regulations to support the implementation of The Life Leases Act.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Preschool
The Ministry of the Education sought feedback for the development of a preschool program for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Input from families will help ensure the preschool program meets the needs of children and families.
Engagement on Employment Standards Provisions
The Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety sought feedback on the employment standards provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and the four associated regulations.
Highway 1 Indian Head Study
The Ministry of Highways is studying Highways 1 and 56 in Indian Head to determine the configuration of a future interchange and alignment.
Highway 1 and Lewvan Drive – Regina Functional Planning Study
The Government of Saskatchewan wants to hear from you on proposed safety and capacity improvements at the Highway 1 and Lewvan Drive interchange in Regina.
Highway 4 Twinning Study North of North Battleford
The Government of Saskatchewan is conducting a study on proposed safety and capacity improvements on Highway 4, north of North Battleford.
Highway 5 Twinning Project
The Ministry of Highways continues to work on safety and capacity improvements to Highway 5 between Saskatoon and Highway 2. We gathered your feedback in late January 2023.
Highway 11 Davidson Functional Planning
The Government of Saskatchewan sought feedback to improve safety on Highway 11 at Davidson. We are looking for feedback on short-, medium- and long-term options to gather input on different options.
Highway 11 and Pasqua Street Interchange Functional Study
The Government of Saskatchewan is developing options for changes to the configuration for the Highway 11 and Pasqua Street interchange, located in northwest Regina.
Municipal Legislation
The Ministry of Government Relations sought input to improve municipal legislation to meet the evolving needs of municipalities.
Provincial Education Plan
The Ministry of Education requested input from the public, through an online survey, to help develop a new provincial education plan.
Report of Saskatchewan Public Libraries Engagement Survey
The Ministry of Education solicited public feedback on the Report of Saskatchewan Public Libraries Engagement.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Joseph A. Remai Saskatoon campus engagement
Praxis Consulting was procured to plan and conduct public engagement on behalf of the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement and Saskatchewan Polytechnic for the new Saskatchewan Polytechnic Joseph A. Remai Saskatoon campus.