The Ministry of Education is committed to the success and well-being of all Saskatchewan learners and the enhancement of literacy for all Saskatchewan people. By putting the needs of each and every student first, we will ensure that our province has a highly skilled and highly educated population that will contribute to the success of our province.
We provide leadership and direction to many sectors including: early learning and child care; Kindergarten through Grade 12 education; literacy; and the provincial network of libraries. We work with school divisions and education partners and focus on what matters most – our students.
1. Information you might be looking for
K-12 Schooling in Saskatchewan
Learn about the education system in Saskatchewan and the 27 school divisions across the province.
Youth Council
The Provincial Youth Council was formed by the Minister of Education to provide direction and leadership on how to engage students.
Find Licensed Child Care
Search for licensed child care in your community.
Requesting Transcripts for High School (Grade 10, 11, 12)
Students can request copies of their high school transcripts online.
Saskatchewan School Curriculum
Information about curricula is housed on the Saskatchewan Curriculum website.
Teaching in Saskatchewan
Information about Saskatchewan Teacher's Certificates, resources and accreditation.
Registrar's Handbook
The Registrar's Handbook for School Administrators provides information about provincial examinations and student services programs.
2. Plans and Annual Reports
Plan for 2024-25
The plan for 2024-25 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.
For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.
Annual Reports
The Ministry of Education's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.
Provincial Education Plan 2023
The long-term Provincial Education Plan focuses on supporting all Prekindergarten to Grade 12 students in learning what they need for their future, ensuring they feel safe and are supported. The plan aligns with the goals of Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan to build a strong economy, strong communities and strong families.
Provincial Public Library Plan
The Provincial Public Library Plan 2022-2027 is the first-ever province-wide plan, developed in collaboration with Saskatchewan's 11 public library systems, which will support the libraries systems working with each other and the Ministry of Education to meet the needs of Saskatchewan residents.
3. Programs and services
K-12 Education, Early Learning and Schools
Learn about the programs and services that are available in Saskatchewan schools.
First Nations and Métis Education
Partnerships, initiatives and programs to support the education of First Nations and Métis students in Saskatchewan.
Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants
Find out what scholarships, bursaries and grants are available for students in Saskatchewan.
Bullying Prevention
Find information on bullying prevention tailored for educators, families and students to improve student achievement and well-being.
Literacy in Saskatchewan
Information about family and adult literacy programs that encourage a highly educated province and skilled workforce.
Library System in Saskatchewan
The types of public libraries and services available throughout Saskatchewan.
Child Care
Saskatchewan's Early Learning and Child Care Program supports high-quality care for children in healthy, safe and nurturing environments.
Saskatchewan School Curriculum
Information about curricula is housed on the Saskatchewan Curriculum website.
Managing a Child Care Business
Learn about how to open a regulated child care centre or regulated family child care home in Saskatchewan.
Teaching in Saskatchewan
Learn about Saskatchewan Teacher's Certificates, workshops and accreditation.
Services for School Administrators
Information about education funding, student support services, infrastructure and more is available for school administrators.
5. Forms and publications
Registrar's Handbook
The Registrar's Handbook for School Administrators provides information about provincial examinations and student services programs.
Agreement for Child Care Services
This agreement is a legal and binding contract between the child care service and the parent.
Child Care Parent Handbook Template
It is a requirement for licensed family child care home providers to develop operational policies and procedures, and include these in a written Parent Handbook.
Directory of Saskatchewan School Divisions
Full list of the Schools and School Divisions in Saskatchewan.
Preventative Maintenance and Renewal Plan Policy Guidelines
The Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) program will allow the ministry to assist boards of education and the conseil scolaire in being proactive in their block funding needs.
6. Legislation
The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Education and are available to download in PDF format. The links below are provided with the consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Freelaw® website.
C-7.31 - The Child Care Act, 2014, C-7.31 Loi de 2014 sur les garderies d’enfant
- C-7.31 Reg 1 - The Child Care Regulations, 2015
- C-7.31 Règl 1 - Règlement de 2015 sur les garderies d’enfants
E-0.2 - The Education Act, 1995, E-0.2 Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation
- E-0.1 Reg 18 - The School Division Tax Loss Compensation Fund Administration Regulations
- E-0.2 Reg 4 - The Conseil scolaire fransaskois Election Regulations
- E-0.2 Règl 4 - Règlement sur les élections du Conseil scolaire fransaskois
- E-0.2 Reg 6 - The Electronic Meeting Procedures Regulations
- E-0,2 Règl 6 - Règlement sur la procédure régissant les téléréunions
- E-0.2 Reg 23 - The Home-based Education Program Regulations, 2015
- E-0.2 Règl 23 - Règlement de 2015 sur les programmes de scolarisation à domicile
- E-0.2 Reg 25 - The Teacher Salary Classification Regulations
- E-0.2 Règl 25 - Règlement sur la classification salariale des enseignants
- E-0.2 Reg 26 - The School Division Administration Regulations
- E-0.2 Reg 27 - The Registered Independent Schools Regulations
- E-0.2 Règl 27 - Règlement sur les écoles indépendantes inscrites
- E-0.2 Reg 28 - The Education Funding Regulations, 2018
- E-0.2 Règl 28 - Règlement de 2018 sur le financement de l’éducation
- E-0.2 Reg 29 - The Education Regulations, 2019
- E-0.2 Règl 29 - Règlement de 2019 sur l’éducation
- E-0.2 Reg 30 - The Education Emergency Pandemic Support Program Regulations
G-5.1 Reg 132 - The Ministry of Education Regulations, 2007
L-9.02 - The League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents Act, 1991
L-14.01 - The Libraries Co-operation Act
P39.2 - The Public Libraries Act, 1996
R-15.1 - The Registered Teachers Act
R-11.1 - The Registered Music Teachers Act, 2002
T-6.1 - The Teachers' Dental Plan Act
T-7.1 - The Teachers' Federation Act, 2006
T-8 - The Teachers' Life Insurance (Government Contributory) Act
T-9.1 - The Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Act
7. News releases
Read the ministry's most recent news releases
Celebrating Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
February 9 to 15, 2025, is Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week in Saskatchewan. The week recognizes the many contributions of teachers and staff in...
One School Division Loss in First Quarter
The Board of Education of Lloydminster Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 89 has reported a loss of public money in the amount of $16,399...
Saskatchewan Proclaims Family Literacy Week
The Government of Saskatchewan, in collaboration with the Saskatchewan Literacy Network (SLN) and Family Literacy Hubs, is pleased to proclaim...
Government Requires School Divisions to Implement Changeroom Policies with Local Input
Today the Government of Saskatchewan is requiring that all school divisions develop, implement, and make publicly available a policy on changeroom...
More Opportunity for Saskatchewan High School Students in the Oil & Gas Industry
Three additional energy companies are partnering with Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) and Teine Energy to support the creation of...