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Saskatchewan Regulatory Bodies

Occupation Regulatory Body
Accountant Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants
Agrologist Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists
Applied Science Technologist and Technician Technology Professionals Saskatchewan
Architect Saskatchewan Association of Architects
Audiologist College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists of Saskatchewan
Blaster, Mines Your employer must apply to the Chief Mine Inspector on your behalf.
Blaster, Oil and Gas Petroleum Development Division (Seismic Explosive Permit)
Building Official Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations
Chiropractor Chiropractors' Association of Saskatchewan
Community Urban Planner Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute
Crane and Hoist Operator Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Dental Assistant Saskatchewan Dental Assistants' Association
Dental Hygienist College of Dental Hygienists of Saskatchewan
Dental Technicians and Technologists Dental Technicians Association of Saskatchewan
Dental Therapist Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association
Dentist College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Denturist The Denturist Society of Saskatchewan
Dietitian Saskatchewan Dietitians Association
Early Childhood Educator Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Electrical Licensing Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
Electrician Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Embalmer Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan
Engineer Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
Forester Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals
Funeral Director Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan
Gas-Fitter Licensing Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
Geoscientist Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
Hairstylist Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Hearing Instrument Practitioner Saskatchewan Ministry of Health
Information Systems Professional CIPS Saskatchewan
Information Technology Professional CIPS Saskatchewan
Insurance Adjuster/Agent Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan
Interior Designer Interior Designers Association of Saskatchewan
Lawyer The Law Society of Saskatchewan
Medical Laboratory Technologist Saskatchewan Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists
Medical Radiation Technologist College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Professionals of Saskatchewan (formerly Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists)
Midwife Saskatchewan College of Midwives
Municipal Administrator Urban Municipal Administrators Association of Saskatchewan
Naturopathic Practitioner Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Practitioners
Nurse, Licensed Practical College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Saskatchewan
Nurse, Registered College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan
Nurse, Registered Psychiatric College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Saskatchewan
Occupational Therapist Saskatchewan College of Occupational Therapists
Optician Saskatchewan College of Opticians
Optometrist Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists
Paramedic Saskatchewan College of Paramedics
Pharmacist Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals
Pharmacy Technicians Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals
Physical Therapist Saskatchewan College of Physical Therapists
Physician College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Plumber Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Podiatric Surgeon College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Podiatrist Saskatchewan College of Podiatrists
Power Engineer Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
Pressure Equipment Inspector Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
Private Investigator Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice
Psychiatrist College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Psychologist Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
Real Estate Agent Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission
Refrigeration Mechanic Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Registered Music Teacher Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers' Association
Respiratory Therapist Saskatchewan College of Respiratory Therapists
Securities Agent/Investment Dealer and Broker Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Security Guard Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice
Sheet Metal Worker Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Social Worker Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers
Software Engineer Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
Software Designer CIPS Saskatchewan
Speech Language Pathologist College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists of Saskatchewan
Surveyor Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association
Teacher Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board
Veterinarian Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association
Veterinary Technologist Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists
Water and Wastewater Operator Saskatchewan Operator Certification Board

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