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Children and Teens

Dead battery symbol. Green fully charged battery symbol. Pause symbol saying TAKE A BREAK.

You probably don't need to be told about all the perks of digital technology, but are you aware of some of the risks of spending too much time on your devices? Learn more about the downsides of too much screen time and learn how to recognize the signs that it might be time to take a break.

Red thumbs down symbol. Too much social media can affect your self-esteem.


Seeing unrealistic images on social media is common but it can have an impact on your mental health. Find out how the fear of missing out can lower your self-esteem.

White and yellow switch symbol with a sun on the left side. Too much screen time can impact sleep.


Taking your phone to bed at night may be tempting, but the blue light that comes off of screens can confuse your brain into thinking it's daytime. This can lead to not getting enough sleep and insomnia.

Green thumbs up symbol. Take a break and feel better about yourself.


Bullying doesn't just happen on the playground. Mean texts, rumour spreading, gossip and threats are all examples of cyberbullying. This type of bullying happens online, making it especially hard to deal with since it can be difficult to control and may leave you feeling like there's no escape or safe space to turn.

Navigating the DOs and DON'Ts of healthy screen behaviour.


Streetlight with the green light lit.

Unplug and play

  • Play a board game.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Read a book.
  • Make your favourite recipe.
  • Play an instrument or sing a song.

Create and learn

  • Learn something new.
  • Create using code.
  • Compose a song.
  • Write a story.
  • Make up your own game.


  • Video chat with a friend or relative.
  • Chat with a friend from school.
  • Engage in community events.

Care for yourself

  • Use a health app.
  • Join an online exercise class.
  • Learn how to stay safe online.
  • Monitor your screen time on your phone.

Yellow Light. Pause and think.

Streetlight with the yellow light lit.

Decide if the screen time is good or bad.

  • Ask yourself if this screen time is helpful.
  • Think about whether your parents/caregivers would approve.
  • Consider whether this could hurt you or others.

Limit screen time

  • No more than two hours per day of recreational screen use (gaming, social media, mindless scrolling) is recommended outside of schoolwork.

Make time for rest

  • Turn off your notifications when you are not using your phone.
  • Log out and power down at bedtime.
  • Take an occasional vacation from your devices.

Think about what matters most

  • Spend time on what is most important to you (e.g., school, family, friends and hobbies).
  • Decide ahead of time when you are going to check social media. Try doing it at a specific time instead of just when you feel like it.


Streetlight with the red light lit.

Talk to an adult

  • Let someone know if you or others are being bullied.
  • Tell someone if you often feel unhappy or anxious.
  • Share if you often have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Turn screens off

  • Stop at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Power off devices when you are not watching.

Resist the urge to document every moment of your life.

  • When you're having fun, enjoy it. Don't worry about getting pictures of it, or what others will think of it.
  • Live in the moment and accept that you can't be everywhere.

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