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Approved Private Service Homes

The Approved Private Service Home (APSH) program provides a supportive family-living environment for individuals with intellectual disabilities. An individual must be at least 18 years old to live in an APSH and must also be eligible to receive services from Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD), a branch of the Ministry of Social Services.

These homes enable residents to experience family living in a community setting with the opportunity to develop social, recreational, and living skills according to their unique abilities and person-centred goals.

Every APSH in Saskatchewan is licensed under The Residential Services Act, 2019 and The Residential Services Regulations.


1. Roles and Responsibilities

Approved Private Service Home (APSH) operators provide a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities, including:

  • providing a warm family-like environment;
  • participating in a Person-Centred Planning process, to help individuals realize their goals and dreams, and enhance their development and quality of life;
  • supporting individuals to make choices and experience a meaningful life;
  • supporting individuals with opportunities for community inclusion, leisure, and recreation;
  • helping individuals learn daily living skills and explore interests;
  • supporting the individual in their spiritual, cultural, and self-expressions;
  • providing services to support individuals’ activities of daily living in alignment with the Comprehensive Personal Planning and Support Policy (CPP&SP) and the Person-Centred Culture Framework;
  • upholding the rights and privileges of individuals;
  • helping individuals to manage their money, keep records, and make and attend appointments;
  • helping individuals build and maintain positive relationships; and
  • providing support for individuals regarding their concerns and challenges.

To learn more about your responsibilities as an operator, please refer to the APSH Program Proprietor’s Reference Manual.

Financial Compensation for the APSH proprietor

APSH operators are paid on a monthly basis by the Ministry of Social Services. The payment amount depends on the level of care and support the individual requires. Information about the current rates is available through ministry offices.


2. Eligibility

You may be eligible to become an APSH operator if you:

  • are a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident;
  • are 18 years of age or older;
  • are living in Saskatchewan; and
  • are prepared to complete the licensing process.

If there is a need for APSHs in your area, and you meet and maintain the physical and program requirements of licensing, the Ministry of Social Services may enter into a service agreement with you to operate an APSH.


3. How to apply

APSHs are licensed under The Residential Services Act, 2019 and The Residential Services Regulations. To become licensed, you must work with the ministry to: 

  1. Complete an application, including providing a detailed floor plan of the entire home.
  2. Take part in a home-study process, which will involve all members of your family living in your home. This process can take three to six months to complete.
  3. Complete a criminal record check and a vulnerable sector check and ensure everyone in the home who is 18 and over also completes a criminal record check and a vulnerable sector check.
  4. Provide a list of references.
  5. Reside in the home you wish to have licensed.
  6. Ensure the home holds appropriate insurance, complies with applicable municipal bylaws, passes a fire safety inspection, and meets provincial health requirements.

4. Apply

To apply to become an APSH operator, visit your nearest Social Services office, or call 306-787-3849.


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