In January 2024, the Ministry of Social Services launched the Saskatchewan Employment Incentive (SEI) program, that supports working families with low incomes. The new program will replace the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program which is now closed to new applicants. Current CCS clients will continue to receive benefits as long as they meet the CCS eligibility criteria while the program remains open. CCS clients may apply for the new Saskatchewan Employment Incentive (SEI) if eligible. Clients cannot receive CCS benefits and SEI benefits at the same time.
Current clients may receive CCS benefits for additional children. To report additional children or changes in circumstance, fill out and submit an Update Form. If you aren’t sure about what information you might need to give us, read the Reporting Guide for Updates to CCS.
Alongside the Saskatchewan Employment Incentive, the Parent Affordability Grant is administered by the Ministry of Education and makes child care more affordable for Saskatchewan families.