Your Responsibilities
During your year of service before you can apply, you must make regular monthly payments on your Saskatchewan Student Loan. Once your application for loan forgiveness has been approved, your Saskatchewan Student Loan balance will be reduced. Your monthly payments will also be reduced. If you do not wish your monthly payments to be reduced, you can opt out of this reduction when you apply. Federal funding represents the greater part of the initial student loan funding. Payment amounts will be prorated and applied to the loan balances. Information about your student loan balances, including the Canada and Saskatchewan portions, will be provided in your initial assessment letter and updated on your student portal account. Applicants on the Repayment Assistance Plan may also be eligible for loan forgiveness.
Break in Service
You are not eligible for loan forgiveness if you leave a designated community before the year of service is complete. However, you may change a designated community provided you re-establish employment in another designated community. A break in service is permitted up to 31 days for relocation.
Sick, Compassionate or Parental Leave
You remain eligible for loan forgiveness if your leave is less than one month and you are able to complete a minimum of 400 hours of in-person service over 12 consecutive months.
If your leave is longer than one month and/or prevented you from completing the 400 hours of in-person service, you may still be eligible if the leave was because of an illness, childbirth or to care for a family member. You must have received at least one of the following Employment Insurance (EI) benefits:
- Maternity benefits
- Parental benefits
- Sickness benefits
- Compassionate care benefits
- Benefit for parents of critically ill children
If you had a break in service and received Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you will need to complete the Break in Service, EI consent section in the application. This consent allows the program administrator to contact the EI office to verify your EI benefits.
If you have any questions about eligibility, the application process or administration of the Loan Forgiveness for Nurses and Nurse Practitioners program, please contact the National Student Loans Service Centre toll free at 1-888-815-4514.