If you have remitted Vapour Products Tax (VPT) in error or have overpaid VPT you may be eligible for a refund of the tax. You may claim a refund by applying to the Ministry of Finance. Refund applications may be subject to future audit verification.
You must claim a VPT refund within four years from the date of overpayment. The Ministry of Finance will not pay refunds of $5 or less.
How to Apply
- Apply using SETS, which is an online service that offers a secure, fast and convenient way to apply for a VPT Refund.
- Complete and return an Application for Refund form along with supporting documentation such as copies of invoices and other relevant documents to:
Email: SaskTaxInfo@gov.sk.ca
Ministry of Finance
Revenue Division
PO Box 200
Regina SK S4P 2Z6