Licensed tobacco suppliers must file monthly tobacco tax returns. Returns are due by the 20th of the month following the reporting period.
In addition to filing monthly tobacco tax returns, suppliers selling tobacco exempt of tax to other licensed suppliers must also report the exempt sales details to the Ministry of Finance in the form of a tobacco tax memo. Tax memos must be submitted monthly to the Ministry of Finance by the 7th day of the month following the reporting period. The exempt sales details are used to provide tax memo reports to the purchasing supplier to assist in ensuring the correct reporting of tax-exempt purchases on their tobacco tax return. For more information regarding tobacco tax memos, please refer to bulletin TT-3, Tobacco Tax Memo.
Detailed instructions are available on Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service (SETS) when filing the return.
How to File
There are two ways to file your Tobacco Tax Return using Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service (SETS), which is an online service that offers a secure, fast and convenient way to file your Tobacco Tax return:
File using SETS
- Upload the template File directly into SETS.
- Input the information directly into SETS.
Once you have filed your return you can make your payment online using SETS, using online banking or mail a cheque payable to the Minister of Finance and forward to:
Ministry of Finance
Revenue Division
PO Box 200
Regina SK S4P 2Z6