This map provides information and locations of facilities that are regulated by the Ministry of Environment – Environmental Protection Branch. The map provides published, self-service information for the public to search and review if they are interested in where facilities are in a certain industrial sector as well as general information about facilities. Companies and consultants may find the information useful when working on project proposals. The Environmental Protection Branch regulates facilities within four regions, which are indicated in the map.
This map displays different mining and industrial facilities, including:
- agricultural processing;
- mining;
- power generation;
- oil and gas processing; and
- forestry processing.
- Environmental Protection Branch Administrative Region;
- facility type;
- facility name; and
- industrial sector.
Use GeoHub to download facility data and conduct information searches.
Use the SaskInteractive map to see facility information, locations, regional boundaries and other layers within one map.
Search the Mining and Industrial Facilities SaskInteractive Map