Recent Updates:
- The Animal Production Act amalgamated four previous pieces of legislation: The Animal Identification Act, The Animal Products Act, The Line Fence Act and The Stray Animals Act.
- As of June 26, 2024, The Pest Control Act has been repealed and replaced with The Plant Health Act.
New Content:
- We have launched a new Pesticide section within the Crops and Irrigation section.
- The Livestock Facility Emission Program is now open to sheep.
- The 2024 Guide to Crop Protection is now online.
New Sask Ag Now Blog Posts:
- Crops Winter Webinars 2025 - We have six new crop webinars available this winter. Check out the lineup of topics and speakers we have and register today!
- Getting the Facts on the New Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment - Wondering what the Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment is, and how it can help you access program funding? Find out the facts!
- Extension On Demand - The Ministry of Agriculture has everything you need to learn more about livestock production in Saskatchewan.
- Keeping Winter Feeding Sites in Good Shape Year-Round - Are you keeping up with wintering site maintenance? Sustainable practices can benefit the health and production of your herd as well as the environment.
- Understanding the Weeds in Your Forage Seed - Taking a closer look at the seed lots you are planning to use can help reduce the spread of weeds. Find out how seed grades can influence decision making to help prevent weeds from establishing in your pastures and hayland.
- Interpreting Nitrate Values on a Feed Analysis - Interpreting nitrate levels in feeds is key to managing risk and keeping your cattle healthy.
- Biosecurity During Calving Season - Looking for tips to improve your on-farm biosecurity and reduce the risk of disease in your herd this calving season? Consider these factors.
- New Requirements on Livestock Manifests as of January 1, 2025 - Starting January 1, 2025, Livestock manifests now include new requirements. Find out what this means for farmers.
- Monitoring Grain Bins During the Winter - Did you know it's important to check your grain bins during the winter?
- Forages in a Crop Rotation - There are several environmental and economic reasons to incorporate perennial forages into crop rotation.
- Dissolved Sulfate in Livestock Water Sources - Dissolved sulfate in livestock water sources can pose risks to animal health and productivity. There are several treatment technologies that have been proven effective in removing sulfate from water. These include ion exchange, nanofiltration/reverse osmosis and electrodialysis.
- Considerations for Winter Mineral Supplementation - Finding a mineral that works for your feeding program can be challenging. Not sure where to start? This article has a few tips and tricks.
- SLIM: Fuelling Innovation and Growth in Saskatchewan Agri-Businesses - Discover how SLIM funding can help Saskatchewan value-added agribusinesses receive up to $750,000 for new technologies and operational improvements. This valuable support drives efficiency and innovation meanwhile reducing emissions and costs, setting businesses up for long-term growth.
- Submit Your Weed Seeds for Herbicide Resistance Testing - Submit your weed seeds on time for herbicide resistance testing.
- Identifying Diseases in Your Crops - Plan to scout crops weekly throughout the growing season to identify diseases and ensure proper timing and application of fungicides if needed.
- Seed Testing for Crop Producers: Saving Costs and Maximizing Yields - Discover how seed testing ensures quality, saves resources and sets your crops up for success.
- Bale Grazing: Rejuvenate Tame Pasture, Increase Profitability and Reduce Chore Time - Feeding cattle in the winter can be a costly endeavour, but with winter bale grazing, it doesn’t have to be.
Agriculture News Releases
Find all of the News Releases issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in this filtered list: