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Crop Production News 2023 - Issue #2

Crop Production Update

  • Since the update in the last issue of the Crop Production News, the Crop Protection Lab has received 35 sample submissions. Submissions have included canola, peas, wheat, lentil, alfalfa, canaryseed, barley, wheat, flax and a poplar tree. The submitted samples have displayed many symptoms including yellowing of leaves, stunting and growth malformations.
  • The lab has diagnosed some of the samples, while work on the others is still in progress. Of the samples mentioned, lab diagnoses have included herbicide damage, insect damage, abiotic stress including heat stress, drought stress, and water stress, and plant diseases caused by ascomycete plant pathogens and oomycete plant pathogens. Of note, these microbe induced diseases include root rot complex in pulses (especially lentils), wheat and barley, and leaf diseases in peas, wheat and barley. The Crop Protection Lab has also rejected three submitted samples due to a poor quality sample submission, or samples submitted without a submission form. Learn more about appropriate sample submission guidelines.

In This Issue

Flax field

Friend or Foe - Rose Rust

Fungal growths on roses are beginning to show up in the ditches and road allowances in Saskatchewan. Do producers have anything to worry about?

Alternative crop options for Northern Saskatchewan

Many factors come into play when planning a crop rotation, including the growing degree days, marketability and price. Northern producers may be looking at different crops for these reasons. 

Assessing Nodulation on Pulses and Legumes

Setting pulses and legumes apart – crops with a low carbon footprint.

Plant Staging for Pesticide Applications

Unusually warm temperatures have caused plants to advance through growth stages much more rapidly than normal. This will have implications for staging of pesticide applications throughout the growing season.

Read the Crop Report

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