1. Check the Developers' Online Screening Tool
Along with a Heritage Resource Impact Assessment, this online tool will help to ensure the conservation of archaeological heritage. Use the Screening Tool to check if your land and resource development is located in a heritage sensitive area, then submit your proposal for review to determine if a Heritage Resource Impact Assessment (HRIA) is necessary. This tool and related forms are intended for use by land and resource developers.
2. Complete the appropriate forms
Surveys plans or a detailed map/sketch must be submitted with each form/project description.
- Aggregate Testing/Pit Projects
- Wellsites - Oil and Gas
- Flowlines - Oil and Gas
- Integrity Digs - Oil and Gas: Use the Flowline form
- Water and Sewage Projects
- Subdivisions: Use the Application to Subdivide Land form
- Exploration Projects: Saskatchewan Mining offers an application with best management practices in their Mineral Exploration Guidelines. Applications must include maps of the work area and shapefiles are strongly encouraged.
- Forestry Projects: Shapefiles of harvest blocks, roads and site preparation areas must be submitted along with a description of the proposed silviculture method.
- Wind Farm Projects: Wind farms can only be submitted once a footprint has been defined. A project description and a shapefile containing tower locations, access roads, collector lines, and other building infrastructure, are required.
- All Other Projects: Provide a project description (1 page maximum) and plans, and include:
- developer's name
- contact information
- current landowner
- legal location of the project
- project description
- construction method
- size of the development
- current condition of the land (i.e., disturbed vs. not disturbed) that will be impacted by the current development.
- Include the presence of native prairie, forest, cultivation, reseeded pasture and any earlier developments.
3. Submit documents
- Email application forms and all supporting documentation to: arms@gov.sk.ca
- Developer is notified of the review results:
- No HRIA required - project proceeds with heritage clearance
- HRIA is required - Completing a Heritage Resource Impact Assessment Requirement.
- Developer is notified of the review results: