Watch below to view the personal stories of people from across Saskatchewan who have been impacted by organ and/or tissue donation.
Great Actions Leave a Mark

The GALAM campaign raises awareness of the importance of living organ donation by sharing the stories of the unsung heroes of organ donation.
A Sacred Gift

Monica Goulet is a Métis woman from Saskatchewan who received a donated kidney from her nephew Jim Searson.
What We Miss the Most

The Pho family lost Michelle two years ago, waiting for a kidney transplant. Blaine talks about the role she played as a mother and a teacher.
Close to Heart

Terry’s favourite movie is the Wizard of Oz. And just like the Tinman, he was in desperate need of a new heart.
The Perfect Match

On their third date, Errin told Chris she was on dialysis. She never expected that he would become her kidney donor.
Second Breath

Donovan is running half marathons, thanks to a double lung transplant 10 years ago that saved his life