Between 2007-08 and 2023-24, the Saskatchewan health system has increased its capacity for MRI services by approximately 154% (from 15,700 to 39,842 patients) and increased capacity for CT services by approximately 103% (from 75,000 to 152,172 patients). Funding for the medical imaging program has increased by approximately 113% between 2007-08 and 2023-24.
In 2023-24, 39,842 patients received an MRI scan, and 152,173 patients received a CT scan, representing a 7.3 % increase in MRI and a 6.6% increase in CT over the previous year.
In the 2024-25 budget, additional funding of $5.062 million has been provided to increase MRI capacity by 3,160 patients and 8,530 CT patients.
This interactive Tableau chart shows monthly requests (demand) for medical imaging services, patient visits (supply) and cases waiting (backlog).
Filter the results by selecting:
- Priority level,
- Service type, and
- Region of Service.