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Introduction to Mediation Workshop

This three-day workshop will be of interest to anyone who wishes to gain a general understanding of the mediation process, its principles, techniques and applications. This session will also allow participants to practise and enhance mediation skills by working through a variety of mediation scenarios.


1. Benefits

The workshop will include the following areas of study and practice:

  • A review of conflict theory, interests and communication skills;
  • The roles of the mediator;
  • An examination of constructive approaches to conflict resolution from the mediator's perspective;
  • Intake, assessment and screening protocols – when mediation is most effective;
  • Co-mediation and caucusing;
  • How to sustain momentum and resolve impasses; and
  • Ethics, standards of practice and professional organizations.

2. Eligibility

Resolving Conflict Constructively is a prerequisite for this workshop.


3. Workshop Dates

Introduction to Mediation 

Virtual – six half-days over the course of two weeks. (Live virtual sessions will be held over the mornings of the scheduled dates; applicants must be available to attend both weeks)

Week 1: April 29, 30, May 1, 2025
Week 2: May 6, 7, 8, 2025

To apply for this workshop, please submit your completed application form to

Workshop space is limited. All applicants will be notified of the status of their registration two to three weeks prior to the workshop.

Have questions? Check out these helpful tips.

Email your completed form to

Or send it to:

Ministry of Justice
Dispute Resolution Office
323 – 3085 Albert Street
Regina, SK  S4S 0B1

Fax: 306-787-0088

Phone: 306-787-5747
Toll Free: 1-866-257-0927

Customized sessions for a specific organization, workplace or group can be scheduled to meet client group needs. If you are interested in exploring further information about content, group fees and customizing the Introduction to Mediation workshop for your organization, please contact the Ministry of Justice, Dispute Resolution Office.


4. Further Information

Courses will be offered subject to adequate enrolment. Enrolment for these courses is limited. Three weeks' notice is required in the case of cancellation. You may be charged a cancellation fee, unless you find a replacement.

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