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Saskatchewan Firearms Office Encourages Firearms Safety This Hunting Season

Released on September 26, 2024

The Saskatchewan Firearms Office (SFO) wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable hunting season and reminds everyone that a secure firearm is a safe firearm. 

"A successful hunt starts with safety," SFO Deputy Commissioner and Chief Firearms Officer Murray Cowan said. "Respect your firearm, respect wildlife, and respect the environment. Hunting is not just about the harvest; it is about preserving the balance of nature and returning home safely."

When transporting your firearms, ensure they are not loaded, are kept out of sight, locked securely in a case, or otherwise rendered inoperable (using a trigger lock or cable, or the bolt is removed), and that they are stored separately from live ammunition. Do not leave firearms unattended in your vehicle, and if you must, conceal them and do so briefly while the vehicle is kept within eyesight. 

When hunting, ensure you have a valid Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) and Hunting and Fishing Licence (HAL) and be mindful of the training that came with those licences. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded, always control its muzzle, know your target and what's beyond it, be aware of your surroundings, and always get permission to access private land. 

The SFO is proud of its ongoing relationship with Métis Nation Saskatchewan (MN-S) to advance firearms safety and training for Métis citizens in the province. 

"Our partnership with Métis Nation Saskatchewan is being built on trust, respect and a shared vision for the heritage of Saskatchewan," SFO Commissioner Robert Freberg said. "Together, we are honouring traditional knowledge, while empowering meaningful, long-lasting collaboration, standing as a testament to the power of unity and mutual respect in shaping a brighter future for the province."

The agreement signed last year outlines specific areas they will collaborate on and ensures funding for a community educator position within MN-S, who will work to educate their community members about firearms safety and storage, licensing and hunting. Thanks to this partnership, the SFO was invited to attend Back to Batoche this summer, where staff had the opportunity to provide firearms knowledge to festival attendees. 

The SFO is also pleased to report that the new Saskatchewan Ballistics Laboratory is yielding positive results.

Since becoming operational, the lab has completed over 100 firearms examinations for police agencies in Saskatchewan, and it has been able to create linkages from crime scenes in Saskatchewan to others in Canada and the United States. The reduced wait times for forensic testing has also positively impacted prosecutions and court timelines, as tests that would have taken months to complete are now being completed before first court appearances occur. 

The SFO is committed to its role in enhancing public safety through community outreach and education, promoting safe firearms use and ownership, and advocating for the proud and longstanding heritage of responsible firearms stewardship in Saskatchewan.                                                                                  


For more information, contact:

Dustin Gill
Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Phone: 306-787-4260
Email: mediacpps@gov.sk.ca

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