Released on April 29, 2022
Province Hopes To Collect Further Feedback From Saskatchewan Residents By Extending Engagement Until Mid-May 2022
The Government of Saskatchewan is seeking feedback from additional patients and health care providers on their experiences with virtual care by extending the survey two more weeks until May 15, 2022.
The Virtual Care Engagement has had more than 2,161 survey participants and over 754 poll participants. Currently, 84 per cent of the participants rated their overall quality of experience with virtual care as good or excellent. While 73 per cent of health care providers indicate that they can provide quality care to their patients using virtual care.
"We've received some excellent feedback and ideas from Saskatchewan residents, and we want to encourage an even higher level of participation," Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors, and Rural and Remote Health Minister Everett Hindley said. "It would be great to hear from about 500-1000 more people and to gain more diverse perspectives, especially from northern, rural and remote residents, people under 30 and seniors over 70."
The information gathered will be one of many tools used to develop a long-term provincial strategy around virtual care. The province is also seeking input from health system partners and other affected organizations on their experience using virtual care over the past two years.
Make your voice heard. Visit to join the conversation, which is quick and confidential.
Participation is not limited to residents with mobile devices or online access. The public can participate over the phone by calling 306-787-6750. The phone line will be available for calls from Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm. To receive the survey via email, send your request to
For more information, contact:
Phone: 306-787-4083