Released on February 8, 2019
Saskatchewan’s year-over-year employment increased by 7,700 jobs from January 2018. This marks the sixth consecutive month of strong job gains for the province. The job gains were split between full-time and part-time increases, with full-time up 4,400 jobs and part-time up 3,200 jobs. Jobs in the private sector were up 16,200.“Saskatchewan has seen strong job growth for six consecutive months now,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “This is an encouraging trend to see in spite of the economic headwinds we have been faced with in recent months. We will continue to work hard and stand up for our province to ensure this positive economic trend continues.”
The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 5.5 per cent, down from 5.6 per cent a year ago and below the national average of 5.8 per cent. Saskatchewan had the third lowest unemployment rate among the provinces.
Other January highlights include:
- Saskatchewan had record high labour force, employment, full-time employment, male and female employment for the month of January.
- Major year-over-year gains were reported for health care and social assistance up 4,300 jobs; agriculture up 3,500 jobs; educational services up 3,400 jobs.
- Youth employment up 1,800 jobs year-over-year.
For more information, contact:
Deb Young
Immigration and Career Training
Phone: 306-787-4765