Released on June 22, 2015
Shane is a heavy-duty mechanic who works for the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure in Yorkton. He is also blind. The shop he works in is organized so he knows where to find his tools, and his co-workers are there to help if he needs them.This is an example of putting people before systems, the over-arching theme of the Disability Strategy, entitled People Before Systems: Transforming the Experience of Disability in Saskatchewan, launched today by the Citizen Consultation Team (CCT).
“I would like to thank the CCT’s co-chairs, Amy Alsop and Daryl Stubel, for their leadership in developing this comprehensive Strategy,” Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer said. “Meeting with citizens and organizations across the province is no small feat, which is why I commend the entire team for their time, diligence and hard work. Our government is confident that the team’s recommendations will bring our province closer to achieving its vision of being the best place in Canada to live for people with disabilities.”
The strategy’s recommendations, developed jointly by the CCT and the provincial Government, are organized into six broad Priority Outcome Areas. These areas are based on feedback received during the public consultation process and represent the key areas Saskatchewan needs to focus on to improve the lives of people experiencing disability:
- People Before Systems;
- Safeguarding Rights and Safety;
- Increasing Economic and Social Inclusion;
- Building Personal and Community Capacity;
- Creating Accessible Communities; and
- Becoming an Inclusive Province.
In the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth, as well as the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Speeches from the Throne, Government committed to develop a Disability Strategy in consultation with members of the disability community. A 15-member CCT was appointed by the Minister of Social Services in October 2013. The CCT consists of representatives from the disability community. The team engaged with more than 1,600 individuals from across the province as part of the Strategy’s consultation process, which took place in Spring 2014.
The jointly-developed Strategy between the CCT and Government can be found on the Strategy’s website at A summary of the Strategy’s key recommendations can be found in the attached backgrounder. Members of the public are also encouraged to continue being part of the Strategy’s community on Facebook at
For more information, contact:
Leya Moore
Social Services
Phone: 306-787-3610
Andrea Lavallee
Citizen Consultation Team Member
Meadow Lake
Phone: 306-304-1889