Released on August 12, 2002
Premier Lorne Calvert today joined the community of Briercrest to celebratethe grand opening of Briercrest Grain Limited.
The new producer car loading facility, located on the Southern Rail Co-
operatives track, will provide loading, shipping, and grain cleaning
services to the Briercrest region. The opening coincided with a trade show
highlighting local businesses.
"Briercrest Grain Limited is a shining example of what Saskatchewan people
can accomplish when they work co-operatively and locally," Calvert
said. "This new facility will provide much-needed services to producers in
the region, and we in government look forward to working with them to
further meet producers' needs."
Briercrest Grain Limited (BGL) purchased a wooden grain elevator from the
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool last March, and the new facility has already
shipped approximately 270,000 bushels of grain.
"I want to congratulate all of those involved in Briercrest Grain Limited
for their initiative and spirit of cooperation," Deputy Premier and
Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization Minister Clay Serby said. "This
agricultural business is an excellent example of the kind of community-
based enterprise that is key to rural revitalization and growth."
"It is clear that innovative solutions like Briercrest Grain Limited can
have a significant positive impact on farm incomes," Minister Responsible
for the Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation Mark Wartman said. "The
province is working hard with communities and farm organizations to reduce
grain transportation costs and improve system performance, and we see
Briercrest Grain Limited as an important new partner."
Producer loading directly into cars can save farmers approximately $1,000
per car. It is estimated the Briercrest Grain Limited facility will permit
farmers to save between 16 and 18 cents per bushel - gaining most of the
producer car loading savings, while keeping many of the conveniences of a
traditional elevator.
"This is a good day for Briercrest Grain Limited, and for producers and
businesses in our community," Director of Advertisement for Briercrest
Grain Limited Rupert Theuerer said. "The services our facility provides
mean significant savings for producers in the south country, jobs for the
people of Briercrest, and enhanced economic development opportunities for
the region. BGL is now the new name on the prairie landscape."
Briercrest Grain Limited is a new community-based agricultural business
located in the village of Briercrest. The business is made up of 60
shareholders from the community.
For more information, contact:
Pamela Bishop Rupert Theuerer
Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation Director of Advertisement
Regina Briercrest Grain Limited
Phone: (306) 787-4804 Phone: (306) 475-2521