Francophone Affairs Branch
The Francophone Affairs Branch serves as a liaison between the provincial government and the province's French-speaking population. We provide policy and translation support to all provincial government ministries and agencies to offer and improve French-language services.
The Francophone Affairs Branch is also responsible for the French-language Services Centre. The Centre serves as a single window for the public to access services and programs of the Government of Saskatchewan in French.
1. French Language Services in government
The government of Saskatchewan offers French-language services in areas such as Education, Employment, Justice and Immigration. Find what French-language services are available by contacting the French-language Services Centre or by visiting the Bonjour! website.
French-language Services Centre
The Centre serves as a single window for the public to access services and programs of the Government of Saskatchewan in French. It gives priority to the delivery of online and telephone services to ensure the same level of coverage for all Francophone communities in the province.
For online information regarding programs and services available in French:
To contact the French-language Services Centre:
By phone: 1-888-345-0850
By email:
2. French-language Services Policy
In 2003, Saskatchewan adopted a French-language Services Policy in recognition of Canada's linguistic duality and of Saskatchewan's Francophone community.
Under this policy, Saskatchewan develops French-language services in priority areas in close consultation with the Francophone community in support of their development and vitality.
This policy applies to the provincial government, its ministries, Crown corporations and other agencies.
The policy contains three service goals:
- That correspondence with individuals or groups be carried out in the official language preferred by the client.
- That print and electronic information material and forms, intended for the general public, along with identity documents and certificates, be provided in a bilingual format when appropriate.
- That public notices and signs in both official languages be posted where appropriate.
- That public information campaigns be conducted in the French language when appropriate.
Service Delivery and Development
- That the designation of bilingual positions be considered as a means to more effectively provide French-language services.
- That the inclusion of a French-language services component be considered when new Government of Saskatchewan programs and services are being developed.
- That the "active offer" approach be used when services are offered in French.
- That appointments to provincial boards, commissions, agencies, and other bodies consider representation from the Francophone community when discussions touch on sectors with a direct impact on this community's development.
- That the Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs serves a consultancy role in the implementation of this policy.
In 2020, Saskatchewan developed Guidelines to compliment the French-language Services Policy. The intent of these guidelines is to clarify commitments contained in the French-language Services Policy and to provide a more strategic and coherent approach to the application of the policy across government. These guidelines should be read alongside the Policy.
3. Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs
In January 2009, the Government of Saskatchewan appointed eight members to the Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs. The mandate of this committee has recently been extended to April 2026.
The Committee works with representatives from different provincial Francophone organizations and ministries to offer advice to the government and assist with the implementation of Saskatchewan's French-Language Services Policy to provide better access to services in French.
Terms of Reference
Advise the minister responsible for Francophone Affairs through the review and analysis of programs and policies to guide the implementation of Saskatchewan's French-language Services Policy.
Duration of the Committee
The Advisory Committee of Francophone Affairs shall be constituted for a period of three years from the date of its creation through Order-in-Council. Further renewal of its mandate will be considered after appropriate review.
Membership, Composition and Appointment Process
The Advisory Committee shall consist of six to eight members:
- The Chair will be nominated by the minister responsible for Francophone Affairs and will be a voting member of the Committee.
- The Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise provincial chair will be the only ex official member of this Committee.
- Other members will come from civil society, representatives from Fransaskois community stakeholder organizations, the business community and recognized experts in certain policy fields.
- Members on the committee will be appointed for a period of three years by the minister following a call for recommendations to community stakeholder groups.
- The committee will ensure a balance between sectors, gender, and regional representation.
Authority and Reporting Relationship
The Chair of the Advisory Committee will be nominated for a term of three years and will report directly to the minister. Members will be appointed for a term period of three years.
With the administrative support of the Francophone Affairs Branch, the Chair will ensure that minutes for each meeting are produced in both official languages and that these as well as recommendations made by the committee are communicated to the minister responsible for Francophone Affairs.
- Establish a dialogue with Francophone stakeholder groups to discuss relevant issues, community needs, and existing government services.
- Establish a dialogue with relevant ministries, Crown corporations, and agencies to seek advice on key issues and discuss current French-language services activities.
- Under referral from the minister, conduct consultations, research, and analysis of policy options in response to specific issues.
- With the support of the Francophone Affairs Branch (FAB), conduct evaluation of current French-language Services Policy and recommend relevant modifications as necessary.
- Provide advice to the Government of Saskatchewan with regards to the implementation of its French-language Services Policy through recommendations to the minister.
Frequency of Meetings
The Advisory Committee shall meet at the request of the minister or the chair at least three times in any calendar year. Extraordinary meetings may be convened at the request of the minister or chair.
Remuneration of Members
Members of the Advisory Committee shall be compensated based on applicable Treasury Board rates for honorarium, per diem, and travel expenditures.
Administrative Support
The Francophone Affairs Branch within the Office of the Minister will provide administrative support to the committee's activities as well as support additional work as mandated by the minister.
Alpha Barry, Regina, Advisory Committee Chair
Alpha Barry was born in Senegal, a country famed for its hospitality ("teranga" in Wolof), and has lived in Saskatchewan since 2005. A proud Francophone, husband, and father of three young children, he has been a board member of the Conseil scolaire fransaskois since November 2014, and has been its Chair since 2017. Additionally, he served as a member of the University of Saskatchewan's Senate, representing the K-12 school community on behalf of the Saskatchewan School Boards Association. Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal recipient, Mr. Barry is a member of Chartered Managers Canada and possesses a degree in business administration (C.Mgr, MBA). M. Barry is part of the University of Regina's administrative staff (a member of La Cité universitaire's Leadership Team). And as such, he collaborates with La Cité’s Dean and Associate Dean to ensure the successful realization of La Cité's future growth plan and strategic responses in a challenging and ever-changing environment.
Jolanta Bird, Saskatoon
Jolanta Bird is a student, entrepreneur and active community member. As an Indigenous woman, she is keen to learn about First Nation traditions, notably through her involvement with the Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre Company. She graduated from École Valois in Prince Albert where she was president of the student council. She is active in the Francophone community as VP of the Association jeunesse fransaskoise (Fransaskois Youth Association). As a board member at the youth association, she participated in a conference marking the 50th anniversary of the Official Languages Act. She currently studies Business at the University of Saskatchewan. She plans to pursue her studies in Law.
Mamady Camara, Saskatoon
Originally from Conakry, Guinea, Mamady Camara holds a PhD in Educational Administration and Evaluation from Université Laval (2005) and a Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées in Project Management from Université de Rennes 2, France (1998). He has lived in Western Canada (Saskatchewan and Alberta) since 2006, and has over 20 years’ experience in the education and Francophone immigration sectors in Canada. From 2010 to 2016, he was the director of the Centre d’accueil pour nouveaux arrivants francophones de Calgary - CANAF. He is currently the provincial coordinator of language training at Collège Mathieu (since 2018). Mamady Camara is very involved in community groups. He was a founding member of the Association des étudiants guinéens in Quebec City (2002) and CAFS, the Communauté des africains francophones de la Saskatchewan (2008). He served as a member of the executive board of the Conseil des Guinéens du Canada (2018–2022). He has been an active member of the Association des Guinéens de Calgary since 2010 and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Service d’Inclusion Francophone de la Saskatchewan - SAIF.
Hélène Grimard, Saskatoon
Born and raised Fransaskoise, Hélène Grimard has not only maintained her first language, but has also helped it flourish by directing her career and volunteer work towards learning at all levels. Her career has focused mainly on French immersion and core French education, as well as education in Fransaskois schools, as she has taken on a wide variety of roles: member of the support staff, teacher, member of the school administration, and manager. She has been teaching provincial and federal public servants and has also taught courses for the Alliance française. As a volunteer, she has collaborated with Canadian Parents for French to promote their Concours d’art oratoire (a public speaking competition) and organized the competition of the Saskatoon Catholic School Board’s French immersion schools. She has sat on the executive board of the Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of French (SATF) and on the executive board of the Fédération des Francophones de Saskatoon. As well, she sat on the Conseil scolaire fransaskois as a representative of the Saskatoon region between 2017 and 2020. She is currently an administrator of the Association des parents fransaskois and a member of the University of Saskatchewan Senate, mandated by the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise to ensure the Francophone community’s voice is heard.
Éric Lefol, Saskatoon
Éric holds a PhD in genetics and has 15 years of experience in agricultural research, as well as an MBA. He also managed a consulting company and conducted several feasibility studies in the healthcare and caregiver fields. Born in France, Éric moved to Saskatchewan in 1993, and since then has been involved in Saskatoon’s Francophone community as a volunteer, member of several boards of directors, and community representative for the Saskatoon region. Éric was executive director of the Fédération des Francophones de Saskatoon from 2012 to 2019, and has been executive director of the Vitalité 55+ organization since 2019. A “young senior” himself, and grandfather to nine grandchildren, Éric is involved in his community and his professional sector; he also enjoys physical activity.
Élizabeth Perreault, Bellevue
Ms. Élizabeth Perreault and her husband own and operate a farm near Bellevue. Ms. Perreault has volunteered within many organizations in her community, including the local Francophone association and the Francophone school in her area. She has represented the St-Isidore school district (Bellevue) on the Conseil scolaire fransaskois since 2008.
Lana Siman, White City
Lana Siman was raised in a rural Saskatchewan setting, until moving to Québec City to pursue post-secondary studies at Laval University in Education. A married mother of 4 adult boys, she is an active Co-Owner & CFO of Siman Auto Sales, since 1998, while she continues her role as Operations Manager at Fafard Sculpture Inc since 2001. Lana has corporate experience through Farm Credit Canada for 8 years and served 4 years in provincial government at the Ministry of Education. Lana champions successful corporate initiatives, strives for excellence in business leadership and liaises with top-tier executives, dignitaries, government leaders, other business owners and organisational leaders in the areas of finance, sales, marketing and communications. She manages multi-million-dollar portfolios while focusing on strategic vision for growth and personal development. She has volunteered on various local boards and committees and is currently Treasurer of the ACFR. (Association Communautaire Fransaskoise de Regina). Amid a demanding career, Lana has found time to give back to her local Francophone, sporting, musical & faith-based communities, through donations of her time and financial contributions. Lana has coached Laval SR. Boys high school basketball to their 1st city championship in 2018, and she has also participated in a live French Radio-broadcast panel since 2005, where she still commentates weekly on the Riders & CFL football. Lana is a trusted, admired and sought business colleague, always willing to listen and lend a hand. Lana was nominated as a Finalist in the 2023 YWCA Women of Distinction and is a bright light in the Regina business community, who aspires to make Saskatchewan a better place to live.
Denis Simard, Regina
Denis Simard has been involved in the Canadian Francophonie for many years. A graduate of College Mathieu in Gravelbourg, Denis was Executive Director of the Association jeunesse fransaskoise and of the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise (ACF). An engaged Fransaskois citizen, he first became involved with the Conseil jeunesse francophone de la Colombie-Britannique, the Conseil culturel fransaskois, and the Centre culturel Maillard. He was elected president of the ACF in 2018.
4. Reports of the Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs
Visit the Publications Centre to view Reports of the Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs.
5. Les Fransaskois - Saskatchewan’s Francophones
Learn more about Les Fransaskois - Saskatchewan's Francophones.
6. Canada-Saskatchewan Agreements
The Francophone Affairs Branch is responsible for managing the Canada-Saskatchewan Agreements in collaboration with the federal Department of Canadian Heritage.
Through this agreement, Saskatchewan shares the costs with the federal government of providing French-language services to Saskatchewan residents. These services include, but are not limited to:
- the French-language Services Centre,
- the administration of justice in French and
- childcare services in French.
Saskatchewan and Canada have entered into similar arrangements since 1988.
7. Fransaskois Flag Recognition Program

In 2009, the Government of Saskatchewan initiated an annual program to recognize Francophone communities for their perseverance and pride in preserving their cultural heritage and their contributions to the province. Up to two communities will be awarded annually with an engraved commemorative plaque that is mounted on a monument and includes a flag pole and a Fransaskois flag.
1. Eligible Communities
A community is defined as a group of people with a common characteristic or interest, living in a common location. Any village, town, regional municipality or city in Saskatchewan could be considered eligible for the purposes of this program.
Any person, group, organization or municipal government may nominate a community by submitting a nomination form to the Francophone Affairs Branch of the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport.
To be considered for provincial recognition, the community must demonstrate a historical and/or cultural significance to the development of Saskatchewan's Francophone community.
The community should be, or have been, associated with events, places, people, organizations or institutions which have made a lasting contribution to the economic, social, cultural or political history of Saskatchewan's Francophone community.
Nominations of communities by individuals must be accompanied by a letter of support from the local municipal government. This will facilitate the process of choosing the appropriate location and installation of the award as well as ensure the site will be maintained.
The Francophone Affairs Branch will recommend the nominated communities to the minister responsible for Francophone Affairs based on the entirety of information submitted with the nomination package, including any letters of support from the municipality and other interested parties.
2. Nomination Process
Completing the Nomination Form
Only one nomination form is accepted per community.
It is important to provide all of the information requested on the nomination form to ensure that the Francophone Affairs Branch is able to evaluate the nomination effectively and to make an informed recommendation. The Francophone Affairs Branch will acknowledge receipt of all nominations. If required, additional information will be requested of the nominator before making a recommendation.
Please include:
- The nominator's complete mailing address, email address and telephone number;
- Complete mailing address of the municipality, including name of the municipal head (i.e., Reeve, Mayor); and
- Email address and telephone number of the municipality.
In the summary statement, briefly explain the reason(s) you are nominating this community.
Letters of Support
Please provide up to three letters of support from others for the nomination, in addition to the municipal letter of support, explaining why the nominated community is worthy of this award. Please do not exceed three letters. These letters may come from local and provincial organizations, community leaders or community members, for example.
Additional Information
You may provide materials such as pictures, newspaper articles or historical documents (no original documents please) in support of your nomination, including an expanded statement of your reason(s) for the nomination and/or a list of the nominated community's achievements. Please ensure this material is succinct and directly relevant to the nomination.
Acceptable Submissions
- All supporting material must be on 8½ x 11" paper.
- Typed, reproduced or clearly hand-written in dark ink.
- Do not submit original documents.
Submitting a Nomination
The annual deadline for receipt of nominations is March 31. Nominations received after this date will be held for consideration the following year. Individuals submitting a nomination must sign the nomination form.
All information provided will be held confidentially and exclusively for the use of the selection committee.
Submit signed nomination form and supporting material by:
- email:;
- mail;
- courier; or
- in person.
Francophone Affairs Branch
300 - 3085 Albert Street
3. Past Award Recipients
Duck Lake | 2009 |
Ferland | 2010 |
St. Denis | 2010 |
Gravelbourg | 2011 |
Zenon Park | 2011 |
Regina | 2012 |
Saskatoon | 2012 |
Bellegarde | 2013 |
The Battlefords | 2013 |
Ponteix | 2014 |
Prince Albert | 2014 |
Moose Jaw | 2015 |
Bellevue | 2016 |
Debden | 2016 |