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Cattle in a pasture 

Services provided by the Ministry of Agriculture are available in the office, online and right in the field to ensure that farmers, ranchers and industry have access to research, production and business information, risk management tools and ministry services.


1. Information for Farmers, Ranchers, and Agribusiness

Crops and Irrigation

Your gateway to Saskatchewan Agriculture's crop information.


Your gateway to Saskatchewan Agriculture's livestock information.

Market Trends

A weekly update of Canadian and United States crops and livestock commodity prices.


AGRIVIEW is published 4 times a year and delivered to approximately 40, 000 households in Saskatchewan. Agriview is a valuable resource for farmers and ranchers with information on the latest innovations in technology, research and marketing.

Crop Report

The Crop Report is a weekly summary of Saskatchewan crop conditions and precipitation during the growing season, starting April 1st each year and running for approximately 27 weeks.


2. Plans and Annual Reports

Plan for 2024-25

The plan for 2024-25 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.

For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Annual Reports

The Ministry of Agriculture's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.


3. Programs and services

Agriculture Research

Discover more about Saskatchewan’s agricultural research and development. Find out about programs such as the Agriculture Development Fund, or the Saskatchewan Agri-Value Initiative. These programs highlight the technology and knowledge behind a competitive and profitable agriculture industry.

Crown Lands

To promote the sustainable and integrated use of Crown land while providing opportunities for diversification and economic growth.

Regional Offices

The Regional Office Teams are located in ten Regional Offices around the province. Specialists in each office are available in the office or out in the field to provide farmers, ranchers, producer groups and industry players with access to production as well as business information and services.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Through consultation with producers, industry, and other stakeholders, Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership programming in Saskatchewan was developed to help the agricultural sector innovate, grow and prosper:

All Programs and Services

See our full list of programs and services.


4. Ministers and managers

Hon. Daryl Harrison
Hon. Daryl Harrison, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-0338
Fax 306-787-0630
Mailing Address Room 334, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3
Bill Greuel, Deputy Minister of Agriculture

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-8077
Fax 306-787-2393
Mailing Address Room 101, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Penny McCall, Assistant Deputy Minister, Regulatory and Innovation

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-5247
Fax 306-787-2393
Mailing Address Room 101, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Amy Standish, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Programs

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-3121
Fax 306-787-2393
Mailing Address Room 101, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Shawn Gibson, Executive Director

Agriculture Research Branch

Phone 306-787-9768
Mailing Address Room 101 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Tasha Lupanko, Executive Director

Communications Branch

Phone 306-787-4031
Mailing Address Room 130 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Rob Pentland, Executive Director

Corporate Services Branch

Phone 306-787-9272
Mailing Address Room 226 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Faye Dokken, Executive Director

Crops and Irrigation Branch

Phone 306-787-8061
Fax 306-787-0428
Mailing Address Room 125, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Venkata Vakulabharanam, Executive Director

Livestock Branch

Phone 306-787-8191
Fax 306-787-1315
Mailing Address Room 202, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Amanda Sich, Executive Director

Policy Branch

Phone 306-541-3376
Mailing Address Room 302 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Mark Anderson, Executive Director

Programs Branch

Phone 306-787-8510
Mailing Address Room 329, 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1
Tracy Evans, Executive Director

Regional Services Branch

Phone 306-873-7138
Mailing Address 1105 99th Street, Tisdale, SK, S0E 1T0
Jeff Morrow, President and CEO

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC)

Phone 639-398-4219
Fax 306-728-7260
Mailing Address 484 Prince William Drive, Box 3000, Melville, SK, S0A 2P0
James Kettel, Executive Director

Trade & Value-Added Branch

Phone 306-787-5139
Mailing Address Room 329 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1

5. Forms and publications

You can find all publications for this ministry in the Publications Centre.

6. Legislation

The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Agriculture. The links below are provided by consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to the Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies.

Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Freelaw website. To order or subscribe, please visit the Freelaw website. If you don't have Adobe Reader on your system, you can download it for free.

View a complete list of Ministry of Agriculture documents.


7. News releases

Read the ministry's most recent news releases

View All News Stories

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