School Division Infrastructure
Programs are available to assist school divisions in keeping their schools and facilities in good condition.
The Ministry of Education provides support for these functions:
- Construction and upgrading of infrastructure;
- Assisting third parties to prepare long range infrastructure plans;
- Approving the acquisition and disposal of real property;
- Developing and maintaining infrastructure policies and guidelines, and planning and priorities;
- Maintaining a database of infrastructure related information;
- Facilitating joint-use initiatives between school divisions and other educational partners;
- Facilitating development of multi-ministry initiatives; and
- Providing geo-referenced information in the form of maps or geo-spatial data analysis.
1. Major Capital Program
The Major Capital Program provides funding to school divisions for new schools or major additions/renovations to their facilities. School division requests for major capital funding are prioritized by the Ministry of Education and are approved pending budget appropriation. The ministry ranks requests based on three components:
- Health & Safety;
- Efficiency; and
- Facility Condition.
2. Preventative Maintenance and Renewal Program
Preventative Maintenance and Renewal (PMR) funding allows boards of education and the conseil scolaire to maintain facilities in satisfactory operating condition. PMR funding is critical to allow school divisions to prioritize and respond to infrastructure needs as they arise. The program allows school divisions to be proactive in addressing rehabilitation and maintenance projects.
3. Relocatable Classroom Program
The Relocatable Classroom Program is designed to address immediate needs for additional classroom space to accommodate increases in enrolments. The program offers school divisions flexibility at the local level to deal with the space crunch and alleviate the pressure caused by growth. Relocatable classrooms can also be moved or relocated as enrolment fluctuates. Requests from school divisions are prioritized and communities receiving relocatable classrooms are selected based on projected enrolments, starting with the highest utilized schools.