If you have paid PST in error or have overpaid PST you may be eligible for a refund of the tax. You may claim a refund by requesting a refund from your supplier or by applying to the Ministry of Finance.
Note that refund applications may be subject to future audit verification.
You must claim a PST refund within four years from the date of overpayment. Only the person who paid the tax is eligible for a refund.
The Ministry of Finance will not pay refunds of $5 or less.
How to Apply
- Apply using SETS, which is an online service that offers a secure, fast and convenient way to apply for a PST Refund.
- Submit and return a completed Application for Refund form along with supporting documentation such as copies of invoices and other relevant documents. If you wish to receive your refund by Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Form and include it with your application. Please ensure that the address on your void cheque or direct deposit form matches the address on your refund application form, and it is your current mailing address.
Ministry of Finance
Revenue Division
PO Box 200
Regina SK S4P 2Z6