Service stations and bulk fuel dealers located along the Alberta and Manitoba borders may be eligible for a competition assistance allowance for tax paid on their gasoline, diesel, dyed diesel and propane purchases.
Service stations located up to 56 km from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba competition may apply for a competition assistance allowance on their purchases of eligible fuels which include gasoline, diesel, dyed diesel and propane.
Bulk fuel dealers who deliver eligible fuels to customers located in the competition assistance zones may apply for a competition assistance allowance on their fuel sales or deliveries.
How to Apply
Submit a completed Fuel Competition Assistance Application along with fuel purchase invoices. Bulk fuel dealers must also provide the names of their customers and the distance each customer is from their nearest Alberta or Manitoba fuel dealer.
Submit refund claims to:
Ministry of Finance
Revenue Division
PO Box 200
Regina, SK S4P 2Z6
Email: SaskTaxInfo@gov.sk.ca