Well Data Reporting and Submissions
Once a well is drilled in Saskatchewan, operators are responsible for submitting well data and associated documents and reports to the Ministry of Energy and Resources through the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS).
1. Guidance
Well Reporting and well data submissions required by Saskatchewan's Ministry of Energy and Resources include:
- Immediate reporting of drilling activity and completions
- Reporting of drilling activity
- Tour Report
- Casing data
- Depths and Coordinates (survey plans)
- Contact Interval Data
- Treatment Data
- Packer Data
- Stratigraphic Marker Data
- Core Data
- Drill Cuttings Data
- Supporting Well Documents
- Abandonment data
2. Reporting Requirements
For specific reporting requirements, refer to:
- Directive PNG013: Well Data Submission Requirements
- Directive PNG005: Casing and Cementing Requirements
- Directive PNG015: Well Abandonment Requirements
3. Requirements for Submission
To report well data and make well data submissions, the operator must:
- Have an IRIS account and the appropriate permissions assigned by your IRIS Security Administrator.
- Own and operate wells in Saskatchewan.