The Government of Saskatchewan makes no claims as to the quality, completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or content of any data contained on this site. All such items and materials are provided on an "as is" basis, and you are fully and solely responsible for your use of them and for any results or consequences of your use. It has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for public use only and not to be sold commercially in its original or altered form. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the site is being used at one's own risk. The Government of Saskatchewan is not responsible for any issues that may possibly result from using this data.
Downloadable Reports
For all downloadable reports there will be a minimum two month delay in posting to allow for any major amendments to be completed.
Saskatchewan Fuel, Flare, and Vent
- This report provides the reported fuel, flare and vent volumes for Saskatchewan by facility identifier. Each report contains data for one calendar year.
- This report lists all the gas plants in Saskatchewan including the area they are located, Facility ID, Facility Name, Facility Location and Facility Active Date. The report also provides the receipts of natural gas, natural gas liquids processed, and deliveries of natural gas from the gas plant by year.
Crude Oil Volume and Value Summary
- This report provides production information for Crude Oil and Recovered Crude Oil by the following information: Production Month, Area, Crude Oil Density Type, Production Volume, Gross Value of Crude Oil Production, Transportation Charges, Net Value of Crude Oil Production, Average Transportation Charge, Average Net Price and Provincial Total. *Note: The Run Date in the top right hand corner is the date the report was run. If the date is older than two months, the numbers could have changed.
Natural Gas Volume and Value Summary
- This report provides yearly production information for Gas Produced from Gas Wells, Gas Produced from Oil Wells, Gas Flared/Vented, Gas Available for Use or Sale and Estimated Value of Gas Available for Use or Sale by the following information: Production Month, Area and Provincial Total. *Note: The Run Date in the top right hand corner is the date the report was run. If the date is older than two months, the numbers could have changed.
- This report summarizes year-to-date oil and gas drilling statistics.
Monthly Production by Pool Report
- This report lists production volumes for all products that were produced by area, units and pools and provides a count of the number of wells that produced for a pool. *Note: The Run Date in the top right hand corner is the date the report was run. If the date is older than two months, the numbers could have changed.
Historical Reports (These reports are no longer updated)
- The Historical Helium Production lists the total gas production from the well completion and the helium portion of the total gas production. Historical volumes are from 1960-1977. All current helium production information from 2012 forward can be found in IRIS.
- The Monthly Production and Disposition of Crude Oil Report lists the following information by area-crude type and provincial total:
- production volumes,
- opening inventory,
- losses and adjustments,
- closing inventory,
- gross value of Saskatchewan oil sales,
- volume of Saskatchewan oil sales and average gross value of Saskatchewan oil sales.
Please note: where production volumes in this report do not agree with those published in the Annual Petroleum Statistics document, the Petroleum Statistics document is deemed to be correct.
- The Annual Petroleum Statistics reports contain production, disposition and sales statistics for oil, gas, and LPG produced in the province.
- The Mineral Statistics Yearbook contains production, sales and revenue statistics for all minerals produced in the province (including petroleum and natural gas). *Note: This book was last published in 2008 and is no longer produced. Petroleum-related statistics will be updated annually. For other current information please contact ER Service Desk.
Additional Reports
Other reports may be requested from the Ministry of Energy and Resources. The new fee structure is outlined in Directive PNG030 - Fees for Oil and Gas Data and Related Services as well as invoicing and methods of payment. All requests require a 5-digit Saskatchewan Business Associate Identifier for invoicing purposes. A Business Associate Identifier application is available online at by clicking the Apply for Access link at the bottom of the page. Contact ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373 or email for additional information, assistance completing the application or for other available methods of payment. Data products listed here are released at regular intervals (monthly or weekly) and can be purchased as annual subscriptions or as individual releases. Data products are classified as computer services and are subject to PST and GST. Taxes are in addition to the prices listed.
Well Data Subscriptions
Production/Injection Bundle
This is a monthly release that includes the following data packages and related files:- Production and Injection Package
Glossary - Production Injection Data Package - Base Package
Glossary - Base Infrastructure Data Package - Relationship package
Glossary - Relationship Data Package - Supplementary package
Glossary - Supplementary Data Package - Supporting Package
Glossary - Supporting Data Package
Well Data Bundle
This is a weekly and monthly release that includes the following data packages and related files (file formats includes: DOC, DOCX, JPEG, JPG, PDF, TIFF, XLS, ZIP, LAS, DWG, and DXF):- Well associated documents
- Well log documents (monthly)
Disposition Bundle
This is a monthly release that includes the following data packages and related files:- Disposition base files
- Disposition ownership files
- Disposition land and rights files
Glossary - Disposition Data Package
Glossary - Land Sale Parcel Posting Data Package