A licensee in Saskatchewan may deviate from the minimum measurement, accounting and reporting requirements with an approval of a measurement exemption application pursuant to Directive PNG017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations if there are no royalty, equity, public safety, environmental or reservoir engineering concerns associated with the volumes being measured.
A Measurement Exemption is a deviation from the minimum measurement, accounting and reporting requirements detailed in Directive PNG017. Licensees may be required to or choose to apply for the deviation through a Measurement Exemption Application in IRIS. Section 5 of Directive PNG017 outlines when a Measurement Exemption Application is required. Once a Measurement Exemption application is approved, an authorization will be generated in IRIS.
To apply for a measurement exemption authorization, the licensee must:
- Have an Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) account and the appropriate permissions assigned by your IRIS Security Administrator. See Example of Measurement Exemption and Application Process in IRIS under IRIS Access section for information on IRIS permissions required to submit the application.
- The licensee must demonstrate that the alternative measurement equipment and/or procedures will meet measurement accuracy requirements for the applicable uncertainties as stated in Directive PNG017 and there are no royalty, equity, public safety, environmental or reservoir engineering concerns associated with the volumes being measured.
- If wells within a proposed measurement exemption do not have common ownership, written notification must be provided to all working interest participants and no objections received prior to submitting a measurement exemption application.
- For more information see Directive PNG009: Public Notice Requirements.
How to Apply
To apply for measurement exemption authorization:
- Ensure you meet all eligibility requirements as per Directive PNG017 Section 5.
- Complete a Measurement Exemption Application Form or Measurement Exemption Application Form Submission of GOR and compile the applicable supporting documents listed in the Measurement Exemption Application Form and Section 5 of Directive PNG017.
Note: The Measurement Exemption Application Form related to the submission of the GOR, operators are only required to submit the list of supporting documents within the application form.
- Log into IRIS, complete the appropriate process for a measurement exemption application and attach the required supporting documents as separate files.
For more information, see an Example of Measurement Exemption and Application Process in IRIS.
Further Information
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions related to Directive PNG017, email directive17.er@gov.sk.ca.
All measurement exemptions granted by the ministry before April 1, 2016, have been rescinded.