Find programs and resources help you implement the best management tools you need to grow your operation.
Business Plan and Development Guides
The Business Development Guide and Business Plan Guide are tools that can assist in your business planning and business development processes.
Cash Lease Agreement
A land lease agreement is a legal document that sets out the terms of an agreement between a landlord and tenant.
Cow-calf Lease Agreement
This publication provides an overview of some of the different types of cow-calf leasing arrangements.
Crop Planning Guide and Crop Planner
The Crop Planning Guides provide information that can help estimate the income and cost of production for different crops.
Crop Share Lease Agreement
Find important considerations of leasing privately owned land and management guidelines for landlords and tenants.
Custom Grazing Cattle
Custom grazing is an arrangement in which one person provides the pasture, water and grazing management expertise for another person's livestock.
Drought in Saskatchewan
The resources and programs listed on this page are to support Saskatchewan’s agriculture sector when faced with drought conditions.
Establishing the Value of Land
Use this guide to help you determine the value of your agricultural land.
Farm Financial Management
The Guide to Farm Financial Management modules and the Farm Business Planner Guide assist the development and understanding of farm financial planning processes.
Farm Machinery Custom and Rental Rate Guide
Find guidelines for machine ownership, operating costs, custom and rental rates for farm machinery.
Farming and Agricultural Calculators
Discover tools available to help producers calculate economic costs and plan for their future.
Grain Contracts
The objective of this page is to provide general information to producers about forward grain contracts and help them understand what signing a forward contract means in terms of commitments and risks.
Grain Marketing Workbook
This workbook was developed to assist farm producers in writing down their expectations, objectives and grain marketing strategies.
Human Resources for Farms
Not sure where to start for human resource management on your agriculture operation? Find best practices to better understand your roles and responsibilities.
Land Rental Arrangements
Find the legal and tax considerations of leasing privately owned land.
Pasture Lease Agreement
This publication provides management information, important considerations and guidelines when negotiating a pasture lease agreement on privately owned land.
Regenerative Agriculture Practices on the Prairies
Guiding principles of regenerative agriculture can be used to maintain and improve sustainability on an operation.
Risk Management for Farms
Business Risk Management programs to ensure farmers are protected against severe market volatility and disasters.
Succession Planning for Farm Families
Use this publication as a starting point in your estate and succession planning process.
Tax Information for Farmers
Information is available on the application of taxes, available exemptions and tax programs available to Saskatchewan producers.