Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)
The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) has replaced the GED® program in Saskatchewan. CAEC testing services will be available to Saskatchewan residents in September 2024.
The CAEC is a high-quality, made-in-Canada high school equivalency credential that meets assessment industry standards as a replacement for the GED®. The CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma but need an education credential. It enables people to get a job, advance their careers or access other training opportunities, including apprenticeships. Employers, post-secondary institutions and others can count on the CAEC as a reliable indicator of Canadian adults’ level of educational achievement.
The CAEC tests are delivered on an easy-to-use online platform. The tests will also support writers requiring access to learning accommodations.
The CAEC is tailored to the needs of Canadian adults and is reflective of diverse cultures and perspectives. It is available in English and French and consists of tests in the following subject areas:
- Reading
- Writing
- Social Studies
- Mathematics
- Science
The tests provide opportunities for candidates to demonstrate skills in communication, information processing, problem-solving and critical thinking.
CAEC testing will start in September 2024.
1. Eligibility
Individuals must be 18 years of age or older and a resident of Saskatchewan.
Under special circumstances, age exemptions may be approved by the provincial CAEC Administrator. The exemption form will be available once the CAEC is launched.
2. Preparing for the CAEC Test
Individuals and Testing Centres who would like to prepare for CAEC can access sample tests and test outcomes.
The CAEC is offered in partnership with the Government of Alberta. Some links will direct you to pages on The registration system will be updated to include Saskatchewan once the CAEC is available in the province.
3. GED® Transition
Will the GED® still be recognized after the CAEC is introduced?
Yes, the GED® credential will continue to be recognized. In addition to recognizing the new CAEC, employers can continue to recognize the GED®for individuals who have attained that credential.
What if you have an incomplete GED®?
Individuals who have passed some of the GED® tests will be able to apply to the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training to have the tests recognized toward their CAEC for three years up to May 2027.
Will additional GED® transcripts and diploma still be available to order?
Yes, additional GED® transcripts and diploma continue to be available to those who would like to order.
4. Further Information
You can contact to get more information on CAEC testing in Saskatchewan.