Palliative Care Programs
Under the Palliative Care Drug Program, individuals who are in the late stages of terminal illness will pay no charge for select over-the-counter products and prescription drugs that are listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status (EDS).
1. Eligibility
The Ministry of Health determines the eligibility for this program. An individual may be eligible if they:
- have a terminal illness with a life expectancy measured in months;
- do not have appropriate treatment options to cure their illness or to prolong their life; and
- require care to improve or maintain their quality of life, including managing symptoms such as pain, nausea, and stress.
2. Application
- The individual's prescriber must submit a complete Palliative Care Drug Coverage Form to register an individual for this program.
- The Ministry of Health, Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch will review the application.
- Prescribers must submit a request for Exception Drug Status (EDS) if a drug has EDS listing status.
- Palliative care drug coverage is effective 30 days prior to the date the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch receives a complete form. Consideration may be made to backdate the effective date of coverage based on the physician's request if an application was not made for an eligible individual.
3. Confirmation of Coverage
The Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch will send a notification letter to confirm Palliative Care Drug Coverage.
4. Eligible Benefits
- Prescription Drugs
Prescription drugs listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status are no charge.
- Over-the-Counter Products
Select over-the-counter products, such as commonly used laxatives and other adjunctive medications, are no charge. A prescription is required to be an eligible benefit.
- Dietary supplements and other basic supplies
Individuals, pharmacists or prescribers may contact the Saskatchewan Health Authority regarding dietary supplements and other basic supplies covered by the Home Care program.
5. Drugs Not Covered Under This Program
Prescription drugs used for the treatment of cancer are not covered under the Palliative Care Drug Coverage program.
Individuals who are registered with the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency may receive approved medications used for cancer treatment at no charge. These treatments are provided by the Allan Blair Cancer Centre or the Saskatoon Cancer Centre when clinic oncologists or physicians work in association with the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.
For more information, contact:
- Allan Blair Cancer Centre Pharmacy in Regina at 306-766-2816; or
- Saskatoon Cancer Centre Pharmacy in Saskatoon at 306-655-2680.