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Personal Care Home Benefit

The Personal Care Home Benefit (PCHB) provides seniors with monthly financial assistance to help them with the cost of living in a licensed personal care home.


1. Benefits

The amount of the benefit received depends on your income and marital status.

The amount of the supplement will be the difference between a monthly income threshold of $2,500 and your monthly income.

  • If you are married or common-law, you must provide you and your spouse’s income.
  • Only half of the combined household income will be applied to determine benefits.

2. Eligibility

You may be eligible to receive the PCHB if you:

  • are 65 years of age or older;
  • are a resident of Saskatchewan;
  • live in a Saskatchewan licensed personal care home;
  • receive an Old Age Security pension; and
  • have a monthly income below specified levels.

Clients who are approved for the program do not need to re-apply every year.

However, before the beginning of the next benefit year (September), recipients will need to provide income documentation to make sure they are still eligible for the program.


3. How to Apply

You are encouraged to apply as soon as you meet the eligibility requirements.

If you are eligible, benefits will be paid as of the date the application is received by the Ministry of Social Services.

  1. Review the Personal Care Home Benefit Application Guide and the List of Licensed Personal Care Homes
  2. Download the Personal Care Home Benefit Application Form
  3. As the applicant, you have up to 60 days to submit the following documents to the Regina Ministry of Social Services Client Service Centre:
  • Signed Application Form
  • Direct deposit form
  • Copy of your recent GIS Entitlement letter OR a copy of your most recent Tax Return and a copy of a bank statement showing the most recent OAS/GIS deposit
  • Responsible Person Consent Form (if required)
  • Confirmation of Admission Form (if required)

As the spouse of the application

If applicable, you have up to 60 days to submit the following documents to the Ministry of Social Services Client Service Centre:

  • Copy of your GIS Entitlement letter (if applicable) OR copy of your most recent Tax Return and a copy of a bank statement showing the most recent OAS/GIS deposit

4. Apply

Download the Personal Care Home Benefit Application

Send completed application form and supporting documents to:

Ministry of Social Services
Client Service Centre
2405 Station Main
Regina, SK  S4P 9Z9



Fax: 306-787-9993


5. Further Information

A complete list of forms relating to the Personal Care Home Benefit (PCHB) can be found on the Publications Centre.

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