To make sure that all Saskatchewan children get a good start in life, the Government of Saskatchewan has developed Saskatchewan's Early Years Plan 2016-2020. This plan outlines goals to help all children be safe, healthy and develop to their full potential in strong families and supportive communities.
Through the Early Years Plan, parents can expect:
- prenatal and early childhood support for mothers and children;
- better access to high quality early learning and child care options;
- support for families in their role as parents and caregivers; and
- programs that make sure children and families receiving support don't "slip through the cracks."
Encouraging young children to learn, play, express their feelings and develop positive relationships, gives them the ability to go on to reach their full potential in life. When young children, especially those from birth to age eight, are not nurtured in these ways, they are at risk of not doing well in school, being involved in criminal activity and earning less income throughout their lifetime.
Government will improve early years services by making sure that current programs are offering the best service possible to children and families. The Ministry of Education will work with early years groups, including child care centres and community programs, to determine how best to achieve the goals set out in the plan.