News and Alerts
Protect Saskatchewan’s aquatic ecosystems from significant threats. Find out the latest invasive reporting here.
AIS Task Force and Partnerships
The Government of Saskatchewan works closely with stakeholders and partners who sit on a provincial task force, committed to preventing the introduction and impacts of AIS in the province.
Aquatic Invasive Species Profiles
Aquatic invasive species possess certain traits that allow them to successfully invade environments, which often results in significant socio-economic impacts and environmental impacts.
Commercial Haulers and Watercraft Manufacturers
New and used watercraft, transported using commercial hauling companies, have the potential to transport AIS over long distances.
Don't Let It Loose
Aquarium pets and plants, live seafood, live bait and sport fish can all become invasive species when released or moved between waterbodies.
Education and Outreach
Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species is best implemented through education and changing social behaviour.
Management and Control
Once an aquatic invasive species has been introduced into a new area, the cost, time and effort involved in managing that invasive species increases significantly.
Prevention and Monitoring
Preventing the entry and establishment of aquatic invasive species is one of the most critical steps to ensure harmful species are not intentionally or unintentionally introduced into our waterbodies.
Purchasing a Watercraft from Out-of-Province
Are you planning to purchase a watercraft from out-of-province? New and used watercraft purchased from outside of Saskatchewan have been found to be carrying harmful aquatic invasive species.
Watercraft Inspection Program
The Government of Saskatchewan Watercraft Inspection Program prevents the spread and introduction of aquatic invasive species into the province from the movement of recreational watercraft.
Aquatic Species Not Allowed in Saskatchewan
Aquatic invasive species have been discovered in nearby provinces and states. Constant vigilance and prevention will help keep these aquatic invasive species out of our province's lakes and waterways.
Clean, Drain and Dry Your Boat
Following the Clean, Drain and Dry guidelines for your boat and equipment after each use can prevent the spread of harmful aquatic invasive species in Saskatchewan.