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Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists

The Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness Program for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists is intended to encourage recent veterinary graduates to work or provide services to clients in areas of the province with high recruitment needs. It provides up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness on the provincial portion of a graduate’s student loan.

The amount of loan forgiveness a graduate is eligible for is calculated annually based on the value of the Saskatchewan portion of the student loan. Veterinarians and veterinary technologists can receive up to $4,000 annually for up to five years, to a maximum of $20,000. Any loan forgiveness the applicant is eligible for will be applied directly to the outstanding balance of the student loan.

For a short overview of this program, read the Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists fact sheet.

Please read through all of the information below before applying.


1. Eligibility

Did you know that you do not have to be a newly graduated veterinarian or veterinary technologist to apply? Provided you started your employment on or after January 1, 2021 and meet the below criteria, you may be eligible.

To be eligible to receive student loan forgiveness, applicants must:

  • be a Saskatchewan resident;
  • have a Saskatchewan Student Loan currently in or entering repayment and in good standing (payments are up-to-date);
  • have a valid licence to practise in Saskatchewan as a:
    • Veterinarian; or
    • Veterinary Technologist;
  • be employed for 12 consecutive months in a designated community(ies) (any Saskatchewan community with a population of 10,000 or less) OR be employed for 12 consecutive months in any Saskatchewan community while providing services to clients in a designated community(ies) (see example scenarios below); 
  • have started your employment (full-time, part-time or casual) on or after January 1, 2021; and
  • have provided in-person services for a minimum of 400 hours in a designated community, or to clients located in a designated community.

Example Scenarios

Veterinary professionals may work in one (or multiple) designated communities (Scenario 1) and/or provide services to livestock clients from designated communities, including mobile/ambulatory services (Scenario 2).

Scenario #1 – providing services in a designated community(ies) with a population of 10,000 or less.

  • A veterinary professional provides services in a designated rural community. The applicant must complete 400 hours of services over 12 consecutive months.

Scenario #2 - providing livestock services, including mobile/ambulatory services, to clients from a designated community(ies).

  • A veterinary professional working out of any Saskatchewan community provides livestock services to a client on a farm several miles from the clinic in a nearby rural municipal area. The applicant must complete 400 hours of livestock services over 12 consecutive months (with a start and end date). 
  • The applicant must provide the client's rural postal code on the application (not the clinic's postal code).

2. Before You Apply

Before an application for loan forgiveness can be submitted, there are certain responsibilities that must be met during your 12 consecutive months of service.

  1. Your student loan must remain in good standing during the course of your 12 months of service meaning regular monthly payments must be made. Note that graduates on the Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) may still be eligible for loan forgiveness.
  2. You must remain employed in a designated community for the duration of the 12 months of service. You can be employed in multiple communities as long as the eligibility requirements are met.
  3. A break in service is permitted for up to 31 days if it is required for relocation to another designated community.
  4. Sick leave, compassionate leave or parental leave is permitted provided it does not last more than one month and does not prevent you from completing the minimum 400 hours of work over 12 consecutive months. Longer leave is permitted if you are receiving an Employment Insurance (EI) benefit such as:
    • maternity benefits;
    • parental benefits;
    • sickness benefits;
    • compassionate care benefits; or
    • benefit for parents of critically ill children.

You will become ineligible to receive loan forgiveness if any of the above responsibilities are not met during your 12 consecutive months of service.


3. How To Apply

The application can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Download the PDF application.
  2. Fill out the application.
  3. Have your employer/employers sign the appropriate sections of the application attesting to your service.
  4. Mail your application to the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).

You have 90 days after your 12 months of service is complete to submit your application (e.g., for an employment period of April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, you would have until June 30, 2024 to submit your application). Applications must be submitted to the NSLSC by mail. Take this into account when planning to send in your application.

To remain eligible, you must re-apply after each year of service. A reminder letter will be sent each year, as long as your records indicate you are still eligible. Please ensure your contact information and address remains up to date with the NSLSC.



4. Apply

Download the Application

To apply, mail your application to the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).

National Student Loans Service Centre
P.O. Box 4030
Mississauga, ON  L5A 4M4


5. After You Apply

Once your loan forgiveness application has been approved, your Saskatchewan Student Loan balance and monthly payments will be automatically reduced. If you do not wish for your monthly payments to be reduced, you can opt out of this reduction when you apply. Opting out of reduced payments means your regular monthly payment would stay the same and your student loan may be paid off sooner.

Your student loans include both provincial and federal loans and grants. The Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists program applies to the provincial portion of your loan. Federal funding represents the greater part of the initial student loan funding. Payment amounts will be prorated and applied to the loan balances.

If you have any questions regarding the Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists program, please contact the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).