The following information is prepared as a general, practical guide for the forms of address most likely to be encountered in Saskatchewan, and is revised periodically.
For more detailed information on forms of address for other groups (such as those in our order of precedence), please contact the Protocol Office.
This document does not accurately reflect the order of precedence of the province for ease of grouping.
The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan
The Lieutenant Governor is The King's direct representative in Saskatchewan and exercises most of his/her functions as Head of State within provincial jurisdiction.
Full title is:
“His Honour the Honourable Russ Mirasty, S.O.M., M.S.M., Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan”
Government House4607 Dewdney Avenue
In conversation: “Your Honour” first, then “Sir/Madam/Mr./Mrs./Ms. (name)”
In letters: “Your Honour” or “My dear Lieutenant Governor”.
The Lieutenant Governor is styled “Her/His Honour” only during the time in office, but retains the title “Honourable” for life.
The spouse of the Lieutenant Governor is referred to as "Her Honour Ms. Donna Mirasty".
In conversation: “Your Honour” first, then “Sir/Madam/Mr./Mrs./Ms. (name)”.
In letters: “Your Honour” or Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
In Canada, Lieutenant is pronounced “leftenant”.
Provincial Government
Full title is:
“The Honourable Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan”
The Premier is referred to as above, or as “Premier”, “Premier Moe”, or “Mr. Moe”. In some cases, reference may be made to his constituency: “The Honourable Scott Moe, Member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.) for Rosthern-Shellbrook”.
(The Premier also holds the title of “President of the Executive Council”.)
In conversation: “Premier” first, then “Mr. Moe”.
In letters: “Dear Premier”.
(Avoid “Mr. Premier”.)
The Premier retains the title “Honourable” only while in office (unless appointed to the King's Privy Council for Canada).
Cabinet Ministers
Cabinet Ministers are referred to as:
“The Honourable (full name), Minister of ______”
In a constituency context, they may be referred to as: “The Honourable (full name), M.L.A. for ______”.
In conversation: “Minister” first, then “Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
In letters: “Dear Minister”.
(Avoid “Mr. or Madam Minister”)
Provincial cabinet ministers retain the title “Honourable” for life, as well as the post-nominal E.C.S. (Executive Council of Saskatchewan).
The title “Honourable”, as an adjective, is only used with the person's full name (i.e. first name and surname) or initials (or other titles). For example: the Honourable (full name). It is incorrect to use the title immediately before the person's last name, i.e. “Honourable (name)” in conversation or writing.
Full title is:
“The Honourable Randy Weekes, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly”
In conversation: “Mr. Speaker”.
In letters: “Dear Mr. Speaker”.
The Speaker retains the title “Honourable” only while in office, unless they were previously or later became a member of the Executive Council of Saskatchewan.
Leader of the Opposition
Full title is:
“Ms. Carla Beck, Leader of the Opposition”
In conversation: “Ms. Beck”.
In letters: “Dear Ms. Beck”.
Members of the Legislative Assembly
Refer to as:
“Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (full name), M.L.A. for (constituency name)”.
In conversation: “Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
In letters: “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
Former Premiers
Former Premiers are referred to as “Mr./Dr./The Reverend”
Example: “Dr. D. Grant Devine” or “The Reverend Lorne Calvert”.
If a former Premier had been appointed as a member of the King’s Privy Council for Canada, a life appointment, the title “Honourable” is used as well as the post nominal letters “P.C.” These are retained for life. For example: “The Honourable Roy Romanow, P.C.”
Former Premiers who were alive on the date of passing of the E.C.S. bill are also entitled to the post-nominals E.C.S., as explained elsewhere, and are entitled to the titled “Honourable” for life.
Municipal Government
Full title is:
“His/Her Worship (name), Mayor of (place)”
In conversation or at official occasions: “Your Worship” first, then “Mayor Masters”.
In letters: “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Dear Mr./Madam Mayor”.
Inside address for letters and envelopes: “His/Her Worship (name), Mayor of (municipality)”.
Alderman or Councillor (cities, towns and villages); Reeve or Councillor (rural municipalities)
Form of address is:
“Alderman/Councillor/Reeve (name)”
In conversation: “Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
In letters: “Dear Alderman/Councillor/Reeve (name)” or “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (name)”.
Superior courts of Saskatchewan
Chief Justice of Saskatchewan
Full title is:
“The Honourable Robert Leurer, Chief Justice of Saskatchewan”
In conversation: “Mr. Chief Justice” first, then “Sir” or “Mr. Leurer”.
In letters: “Dear Chief Justice Leurer”.
Chief Justice, Court of King's Bench
Full title is:
“The Honourable Martel D. Popescul, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench”
In conversation: “Mr. Chief Justice (Popescul)”.
In letters: “Dear Chief Justice”, “Dear Sir”, or “Dear Chief Justice Popescul”.
Judges of Superior Courts
Appeal Court, Superior Court and Court of the King's Bench
Full title is:
“The Honourable (full name) Judge of_______________ ”.
In conversation: “Mr./Madam Justice (name)”.
In letters: “Dear Mr./Madam Justice (name)”.
Provincial Court of Saskatchewan (Provincially appointed)
Chief Judge
Full title is:
“The Honourable Shannon Metivier, Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan”
In conversation: “Chief Judge Metivier”.
In letters: “Dear Chief Judge Metivier”.
Full title is:
“The Honourable (full name), Provincial Court of Saskatchewan”
In conversation: “Judge (name)”.
In letters: “Dear Judge (name)”.
- The Table of Titles to be used in Canada now recognizes the title “Honourable” for provincially/territorially appointed judges. The courtesy title “Your Honour” is no longer appropriate given an official title has been granted.
- Federally appointed judges are eligible to be granted permission by the Governor General in the name of The King to retain the title “Honourable” after retirement. However, they cease to be styled “Chief Justice” or “Mr./Madam Justice”. Retired provincial court judges do not retain the title “Honourable”.