Released on May 6, 2024
The Government of Saskatchewan has officially proclaimed May 6-11 as Safety and Health Week in Saskatchewan.
"This week is an opportunity for everyone to commit to safety in our workplaces, homes and communities," Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don McMorris said. "By focusing our attention toward health and safety we can help prevent serious injuries, illnesses and fatalities from taking place."
Safety and Health Week, formerly known as North American Occupational Safety and Health Week, began in 1997, and is observed annually in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The purpose of the day is to focus employers, employees, partners and the public on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community.
Visit the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety's Safety and Health Week website for more information, tools and resources for safety and health in the workplace.
For more information, contact:
Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
Phone: 306-520-2705