Released on March 27, 2024
The Province is Providing the Saskatchewan Mining Association with $100,000 to Develop Future Workforce
The Government of Saskatchewan is partnering with the Saskatchewan Mining Association to educate students about careers in mining and exploration. The province is investing $100,000, which will support the development of classroom and online teaching resources promoting careers in the mining industry, including critical minerals, potash and uranium.
"Saskatchewan is one of the most attractive jurisdictions in the world for mining," Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. "As our footprint in the global mining industry continues to grow, it's important we build the workforce needed to support this growth. This funding will provide educational opportunities for students to learn about careers in the mining sector and allow them to benefit from the jobs our rapidly growing economy is creating."
Several major mining projects are injecting billions into the economy and creating thousands of jobs in the province. By introducing school-age students to the mining industry, this partnership will build public understanding of how mining products enhance our everyday lives and expand students' understanding of the technological innovation and sustainable practices in the industry, and profile and promote the wide variety of careers available and emerging in the mining industry.
"We are pleased to partner with the Government of Saskatchewan, allowing us to connect with more students by building an awareness of the many fulfilling careers the growing Saskatchewan mining industry offers, providing products that provide food and clean baseload energy to the world" Saskatchewan Mining Association President Pam Schwann said.
The Saskatchewan Mining Association provides events for students, educators, and communities; core programming, and free curriculum-based resource materials. These resources include lesson plans, presentations, videos, quizzes and workshops. Last year, their Education Outreach program connected with more than 7,800 students, 880 community members, 460 teachers, 90 Saskatchewan communities, and received 13,700 downloads of their lesson plans and teacher resources.
The Government of Saskatchewan works with partners to build awareness and encourage young people to consider careers in growing industries. These targeted investments support the recently released Saskatchewan Labour Market Strategy, which outlines how the province is ensuring Saskatchewan has the labour force it needs to meet employer demand and Saskatchewan people benefit from the province's growing economy.
For more information, contact:
Jamie RichardsImmigration and Career Training
Phone: 306-510-4016