Released on March 20, 2024
The Government of Saskatchewan is providing a record budget of $3.3 billion for the Ministry of Education. This is an increase of $247.8 million, or 8.1 per cent, over last year and supports Prekindergarten to Grade 12 schools, early learning and child care, and libraries.
This budget includes the largest-ever increase in school operating funding in Saskatchewan.
"As Saskatchewan's economy and population grows, our government is making significant investments into our children's future by providing the highest-ever budget to education in the province's history," Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill said. "We are committed to ensuring a high-quality education is provided to all students by funding enrolment growth, providing additional funding for classroom supports and building new schools."
Saskatchewan's 27 school divisions will receive a record $2.2 billion in school operating funding for the 2024-25 school year, a record increase of $180.0 million, or 8.8 per cent, compared to the 2023-24 Budget.
Included in the budget for the 2024-25 school year is $356.6 million for classroom supports, an increase of $45.6 million, or 14.7 per cent, over the previous year. This includes ongoing funding for the Specialized Support Classroom and Teacher Innovation and Support Fund pilot projects.
School infrastructure continues to be a key priority as $216.0 million will be allocated to school capital, an increase of $68.7 million, or 46.6 per cent, over last year. This includes $28.5 million for relocatable classrooms to help address enrolment growth, on-going funding for the 11 new or consolidated school projects and three major renovations that are underway across Saskatchewan, and funding to begin planning for nine new schools and two renovations, including:
- New Regina East Joint-Use facility for a public and Catholic elementary school;
- New Saskatoon East Joint-Use facility for a public and Catholic high school;
- Minahik Waskahigan High School (replacement) in Pinehouse;
- Pre-planning for a new Regina East Joint-Use facility for a public and Catholic high school;
- Pre-planning for a new Saskatoon East Joint-Use facility for a public and Catholic elementary school in Brighton;
- South Corman Park School renovation; and
- Swift Current Comprehensive High School renovation.
The 2024-25 Budget provides $408.7 million for early learning and child care, which will support Saskatchewan families. This includes an increase of $21.1 million for the Federal-Provincial Child Care Agreements. This funding continues to support child care at $10 a day for children under six, making Saskatchewan one of the most affordable places in Canada to live and raise a family. The Government of Saskatchewan is also committed to adding more regulated home-based and centre-based child care spaces in the province, creating more jobs for our growing province.
The 2024-25 Budget provides Saskatchewan's library system with $11.6 million and $1.1 million for funded literacy organizations.
For more information, contact:
Mitchell BlairEducation
Phone: 306-787-2273