Released on January 9, 2024
YWCA Regina and The Mustard Seed are successful proponents of a recently issued request for service to deliver new permanent emergency shelter spaces in Regina and Saskatoon, as announced in October, 2023, as part of the Provincial Approach to Homelessness.
"The Ministry of Social Services supports vulnerable people in need of shelter by connecting them with community organizations that offer emergency shelter spaces," Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky said. "I am pleased to announce plans to move forward with YWCA Regina and The Mustard Seed as service providers of new permanent emergency shelters spaces. These community-based organizations will help us move forward to improve outcomes for people experiencing homelessness and better support individuals who need more than a home to remain connected to housing."
YWCA Regina provides shelter, supportive housing, and assistance to marginalized populations to help break the cycle of poverty and will operate a new emergency shelter in Regina.
The Mustard Seed will operate new emergency shelter spaces in Saskatoon. Founded in 1984, with existing operations in Alberta and British Columbia, The Mustard Seed offers a range of programs and services to serve vulnerable community members and assist individuals toward greater health and independence.
The service providers will provide emergency shelter services and assist clients with referrals to programs and services provided by government and other community agencies. Work is underway with Regina and Saskatoon who are identifying suitable locations for the planned emergency shelters. Opening dates will be set once the locations are confirmed.
These planned shelter spaces are part of the recently announced Provincial Approach to Homelessness. The $40.2 million investment in new funding over the next two years will create 155 new supportive housing spaces, 120 new permanent emergency shelter spaces, and enhance community safety and outreach responses that include 30 new complex needs emergency shelter spaces.
For more information, contact:
Media RelationsRegina
Phone: 306-787-3610